GWB talking out both sides of his mouth again


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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"I've made it very clear to the Congress that the use of federal money, taxpayers' money, to promote science which destroys life in order to save life -- I'm against that. And therefore if the bill does that, I will veto it," GWB

OK, it's not OK to destroy life to save life but it's OK to destroy 100,000 Iraqi and 1,600 US soldier's lives to save other Iraqi lives. What a hypocrite!
You can't compare the two issues. Apples and oranges.
barry2952 said:
OK, it's not OK to destroy life to save life but it's OK to destroy 100,000 Iraqi and 1,600 US soldier's lives to save other Iraqi lives. What a hypocrite!
At least those lives had a say in the outcome of their life. And don't tell me 100,000 civilians. You and I know thats bunk. If it was 100,000 military, too bad. Sounds like we missed 300,000 more. Well, there is always next year to catch up.
Kbob said:
You can't compare the two issues. Apples and oranges.

What? Unborn lives are precious and lives lost in wartime are not?
:I Seems the right clings to double standards at the whim of their desire to shove thier belief systems down other's throats.
I've explained that the death penalty is not contradictory to the right to life before. I've also explained that sending someone to do a job isn't the same as sending them to their death. Firefighters and cops that die in the line of duty are a perfect example of this. And when cops kill bad guys in a fire-fight, there's another example to chew on. Apples and oranges. You guys haven't made any case other than you'll find anything and everything to demean the President, whether it holds water or not. It's almost like you don't even think when it comes to something negative against GWB. To you, it must be true, so let's throw it out there.

Here's something else to think about. If you're opposed to this statement by GWB, "I've made it very clear to the Congress that the use of federal money, taxpayers' money, to promote science which destroys life in order to save life -- I'm against that", then you must logically be in favor of experiments performed by the Germans during WWII on unwilling human guinea pigs. Experiments which may have saved someone else's life, or at least prolonged it. See, I can go to extremes just like you.

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