Halarious !!!!!!!!!

That's not very nice, that was just plain mean! :biggrin: (BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!) :biggrin: LOL :biggrin:
Clueless! Ricers!

Give me a break! Those are the greatest cars ever built.

They can go 1000 mph, fly to the moon, and all this with a wing and a coffee can and some flashy rims. Can't wait to win the McDonalds contest and get my Honda. :sleep: :ricesmile

But I still think the Plymouth Neon can take them all! Gotta be the hottest car on the market. Have one in town here that says Are You Scared on his plates. Wet my pants everytime I see it - from Laughing! :facesjump

I got a honda here that says, TURBOEX. Or something like that and the sh!t "can" is so slow. I bet I could out run it to 60'! I even tryed to get him to line up with me. Which I did, finally! Not by his choice. But my car was running past M of normal and a capo pulled out a cuple blocks up!

I could see him doing this ~ ~ ~> :shifty: "Me Se Nuttin!"
:I LOL! In that case, how fast does puke green plastic wheels on a tomato-red Kia Rio make it go? As my clueless(auto-wise, he keeps calling my car a Cadillac.) buddy remarked,"Damm, that is one Christmas @$$ ugly car!"
Needless to say, I choked on my coca-cola immediately! (Y'all gotta know my boy!) :biggrin: (....Things that make you go :eek2: )
1997 LTC/SS

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