Harsh Shifts 2003 LS V8


New LVC Member
Oct 27, 2005
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Babylon NY
I have a late 2003 Lincoln LS V8 with approximately 21,000 miles logged. I've had a problem with harsh shifts sine the car was new. This clanking downshift and abrupt up shift problem that has gone unresolved for far too long.

This is my second LS so I maybe more attuned to the proper shifting of the car. My prior 2000 LS was a non-sport version therefore I fully understand and accept the ride differences but not the harsh shifting.

Over the last 25 months the service department has been very helpful in addressing the concern but unable to correct the concern. They have performed several reprograms of the PCM, changed the shift solenoids, and added an additive for this concern. On one of my prior trips (8/05), I had requested that a flight recorder be installed. I was able to trap at least two bad shifts. There was no follow up with me on the findings however I would assume that the data was uploaded to Lincooln technical team.

Several times the work order would state, "Could not verify concern". With that said I would walk away thinking that I didn't explain the problem very well or maybe the tech didn't feel it.

Sample explanation The car has an abrupt up shift at times. It is generally between 2nd and 3rd gear most of the time. It feels as if the shift missed 3rd gear or had a stacked shift to 4th gear. This creates a shuttering throughout the car. At times the car will down shift from 4th or 5th gear into 1st gear, this occurs while in stop and go traffic when tipping in lightly. A clanking noise always follows this shift. On several occasions the yellow indicator for the traction control will light on dry flat level ground.

This is not just me being critical, I've had many people in my car say "what was that" when the car shifts badly. This is generally followed up by "how much did this car cost". I find this extremely embarrassing.

Now that the DEW98 platform has reach its end of life my hopes of Lincoln finding a resolution are fading. It's always been my belief that this is a known issue and resolution to this problem would be found shortly. Now I believe that the problem will not even be addressed. Please tell me that I wrong.

Has anyone had this type of problem and if so what was done to resolve the problem. Please share with me the terms that you used to explain the issue.

Thanks Tom
:W to :V GreyGhost1 owns a LS he might be able to help you with your problem!!!!!!
First of all, welcome! Your transmission problems sound like a bad torque converter but I could be wrong. Typically in the past re-programming the PCM will fix the shifting issues. I looked to see if there were any TSB's regarding your issue but there isn't one for the 2003 and up LS's.

I'm sure there are other members here that will jump on here and state whether or not I'm correct or not. Also, there may be someone with your exact problem. Another suggestion would be to take it to another dealer. A second opinion wouldn't hurt.
I have this issue now also on my 03. others have been through the same drama. only thing that fixed it was replacing both the VALVE BODY and the SOLENOID PACKS.
I had a similar problem w/my 02 at about 26-27k miles harsh shifts and a very long delay going from P to R or D. After a couple of PCM re-progamings and soleniod packs it still wasn't fixed. the Tech said he was unable to verify concern multiple times. finally after many trips to the dealer they found the prob. it was the Front Pump. This could possibly be your problem as well or like Ken said it may be the Torque Converter.

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