have a set of '96 LSC housings can I .....


Active LVC Member
Sep 28, 2009
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Central Texas
I just acquired a '96 base...shot headlights...have a set of '96 LSC housings.
Question, go aftermarket HID kits with Jay's adapters..OR?? can I use the LSC units with non-HID bulbs and get acceptable results. Can 9005 or similar bulbs be put in those housings and get acceptable results w/out going thru the issues needed in the wiring changes needed in switching a base to HIDs? or are the HID housings just not set up/adaptable to work with 9005's/ Would they(9005's) burn up the reflective surfaces due to heat in LSC housings just like the issues with the base housings?
Would they(9005's) burn up the reflective surfaces due to heat in LSC housings just like the issues with the base housings?

yes. use whatever housings have the best chrome, with an HID kit. that will get you the best results.
if you need to use jay adapters for the LSC lights, then so be it.
I am going to use the LSC housings....are you saying there is another way to get aftermarket HID bulbs to work without Jays adapters?
Do you recommend any particular HID kit?

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if you are using the LSC lights, you'll need adapters.
if not, then you don't.

you say you will be using the LSC lights, so you'll be needing a set of adapters.
yes you'll need adapters...like so.



95 new lts 4.jpgI just put LSC lights in my 95. It had base lights with an am kit that just twisted in. In the LSC housings, with adaptor, the bulb would not fit tightly. it was loose and would spin. I took the bulb, and adaptors, and tried them on a GEN 2 housing. They fit perfect. The inside of the LSC's, where the bulb rests, is much deeper than a GEN 2 housing. After trying different things to make it work, I ended up with a thick rubber washer, about the size of a quarter, over the bulb and red rubber washer. It worked out well, nice and tight. I've been told there are different am kits for the Gen 2 housings, but my gen 1 kit worked in them. All is well, and they work great. I added some drl/fog lights, and my wife reports that she can see when it's dark.

95 new lts 4.jpg
I used the same HID's in re-done base (bubble type lense) housings, and in the LSC housings. Go with the LSC's. They let the light out, and spread it in a better pattern. It's 10 times better. Spend the time, and money, and the LSC's with HID's will make you happy. I went a little overboard with my HID's. They are 8000K, with 75 watt ballast. A lot of guys go with 6000K, 35 watt kits.
Tony....what brand Hid's did you use? Any pics of the swap? I have a '95 base that I had someone else swap to "96 LSC housings and he used a Hid kit from ...blindinghid.com/b.php?bulb=9005http://.
Since I never saw the info with the kit, and the guy that did the swap did a sh!t job that I fixed with a pair of Jay's Hid adapters...I have had this nagging question. The Hid bulbs from blindinghid were about
1 1/2-2" long with a thin external tube running down length of the bulb. After installing the adapters and placing the bulbs into the housings, I did not know where to position that thin tube...up-down-right-left...does it make a difference? I am getting ready to convert a '96 base i just bought over to Hid's..I have a set of '96LSC housings to use for the swap. Any help would be appreciated.
I got the kit from hidgeeks about 2 years ago. I never looked at the little tube, up,down? Make sure their water tight! I run a bead of silicone around any where they might leak. I waited a long time to install these in my 95, and forgot to take pics. My last set of LSC's got stolen by my 94, with orginal bulbs. Most guys seem to go for 6000--6500K, 35 watt hid's. Once you screw in the adaptor, the bulb should not move or spin. When all together, I run a bead of silicone around the adapter, a little extra protection. I ran my bulbs in the orginal bubble housings, and they did the job, but in the lsc clear lense, they are 5X times brighter. Use what you have. You can always get another kit.
I polished off the crud from the set of '96 LSC housing's I am wanting to use on my '96 base today and much to my dismay, once I could see inside the housing..the reflective surfaces were oxidized to an unacceptable level and the low beam deflectors were gone. Some one in the past had jury rigged these housings. The lenses cleaned up OK and the housings are in good shape except for the reflective surfaces..
Questions: Has anyone re-taped the reflective surfaces on '96 LSC housings with TrimBrite (or)? There are lots of threads about doing it to gen 1 base housings but I haven't been able to word a search that brings up a reference to doing it to '96 LSC housings. I suppose it would be the same same....just wondering about the vertical surfaces, they seem more critical to a good light path than the smoother verticle surfaces on Gen 1 housings.
What about not having the deflectors in front of those HIDS? does that rule out using this set of housings? How the hell could you find a set of deflectors? I am concerned about separating the lenses from the housings without trouble/damage because I don't know what was used to seal them back up the last time they were separated.
Bummed and hoping to hear something positive!
yes, jbelcourt did it somewhat recently with a set of halogen headlights, but the process is basically the same the hid lights.
I did a set of LSC's for a friend, and all I had to replace was the chrome on the bottom of the housings. Chrome brite is only 3" wide, and not big enough to cover in one piece. I found some on line that is 1' wide. It worked out great. I've done many base housings, and the bubble lenses hides errors. No hiding on the lsc's. I had one LSC light break in half while I was pulling it apart. Found 3 different glues on it. The diffuser is important. I read to remove them to get more light, and did so on my first pair. Worked ok if you want to light up houses, and trees, but not the road. Research my posts, I've posted a lot of pics when I was doing lights. TONYyyy

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