He's showing subservience, not respect. You shake hands and look a man in the eyes to show respect. At least, that's how we do it in America.Big deal.
I don't like the dude, I never have, but I think this guy couldn't take a crap without someone bitchin about it.
So he bowed in respect too another world leader.
Who really gives a rat's a$$?.
There are alot more serious flaws in this administration than bowing to show respect.
He's showing subservience, not respect. You shake hands and look a man in the eyes to show respect. At least, that's how we do it in America.
The man that he is bowing too appears to be of asian desent.
I belive bowing is the custom of asian people so, Mr Obama is indeed showing respect.
...first, if you don't think it's significant or troubling that the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces and the person considered leader of the free world bows in deferential respect to world leaders, then we can discuss this.
But don't interject the ridiculous, previously discussed and dismissed claim that it's out of respect to another countries heritage.
1. If that were the case. The other guy would be bowing too.
He's not. The bowing is completely inappropriate.
2. Look how LOW he bows. If you want to pretend that he's paying respect to the custom, then you also have to recognize the meaning of a deep bow and the significance of his head and eyes in relation to the other guy.
You also have to note that he's bowing to Chinese leaders, and hostile leaders while he actively alienating and insulting our Western allies. Did he bow to the queen? She's used to that and it's part of the tradition. No, in fact his wife broke protocol and manhandled her a bit. I was fine with that, I find the concept of "royalty" offensive. But he didn't, a he gave her a crappy ipod as a gift.
I'm not sure what to make of his selective bowing, I don't know what it means to him. But I can tell you that it PROJECTS AMERICAN WEAKNESS IN THE WORLD. And that makes the world less safe.
How'd he greet the Canadian PM?
You are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
As stated above, who gives a rat's a$$ if he bows or not.
The country WILL survive long after the bowing is over, in fact long after this president is nothing but a distant memory.
You really need to get a life.
There are so many more important issues you could comment about like the need to get rolling on this doomed economy for one.
You are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
As stated above, who gives a rat's a$$ if he bows or not.
The country WILL survive long after the bowing is over, in fact long after this president is nothing but a distant memory.
You really need to get a life.
There are so many more important issues you could comment about like the need to get rolling on this doomed economy for one.
The smallest little thing and they're making a big huge deal out of it like it's a terminal illness or some great insult to tradition or how things were done in the past in "their" america.
The past is the past.
Creativity and imagination is not strong conservative suits.
Their ideas are hey, lets do what worked in the past even though things are different now.
Some people need these things to get worked up over.
The man that he is bowing too appears to be of asian desent.
I belive bowing is the custom of asian people so, Mr Obama is indeed showing respect. Bob.
Could you sort of clear up why you posted a picture of Jack - other than it is playoff season in the NBA - and off course the Lakers are favored to win again...
In addition to needing to learn how international politics work, you need to learn the reasoning behind conservative (and liberal) positions before you start making inaccurate generalizations like this. Otherwise you end up looking foolish, uninformed and utterly unaware of the reckless implications of your simplistic and naive rhetoric ...
Instead of approaching this with the mindset of a teenager, maybe you should get informed on the theory behind these issues apply some critical thought and objective analysis to these issues. Turn off the TV, get off the internet and read a book on political theory.
Or have you stopped appreciating "nuance"?
I think Obama is a center left pragmatist and conservatives only embarass themselves by trying to make him out as a sinister "socialist" (among the milder name calling) with their paranoid hysteria.
Obamacare is good for the insurance companies as it mandates coverage through them.
These words have about as much importance in wortld affairs as the rediculous comments regarding his bowing to a diplomat from an asian country.
President Obama has gotten Russian President Medvedev to sign a major nuclear arms reduction agreement and Republicans/Right/Fox News are complaining about him bowing to the Chinese president. Looks to me like the critics don’t want anyone to pay attention to arms reduction...
Oh, you forgot to mention that the logo for the Nuclear Security Summit looks like many Muslim flags... that was all over FoxNews too.
The arms treaty has far more long-term importance to American interests than whether or not he bowed. We should focus on the substance and not the silliness of personal gestures.
We interupt this thread with breaking news.
The United States has suffered a devistating blow to it's international image when The president was witnessed bowing to a fellow diplomat.
Your snarky attempts to marginalize are losing their subtly.
So, Bush was derided for supposedly "weakening our standing in the world" and had to be replaced (even though that was a questionable analysis at best). But when Obama explicitly, unquestionably and directly weakens our position in the world, it is a mere distraction from more important things?
Marginalizing the right/Republicans/FoxNews - heck it isn't even hard.
And yet, as you have shown time and time again, you are utterly clueless when it comes to the ideological/philosophical points of view at play here. Still you feel comfortable passing judgment on those viewpoints.
That shows that you are either unable or unwilling to apply any critical thought on this subject; instead choosing what you want to believe and then researching things to find a means to rationalize it. That is the way a teenage mind functions.
Never mind that it takes away fundamental liberty and choice in doing that.
Never mind factors like moral hazard or adverse selection that make this bill utterly economically reckless and irresponsible.
Never mind that Obamacare undermines the rule of law.
Just write it off however you see fit. You can believe anything you want if you simply dismiss any opposing view as illegitimate.![]()
So you admit that is what you are attempting to do.Marginalizing the right/Republicans/FoxNews - heck it isn't even hard.