Headlight Cleaning Tip


New LVC Member
Nov 5, 2005
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I went to a local Autozone and in the Body section I found a little box that said "Lense Polisher"

So for the heck of it I gave it a shot, Its got compound on some foam discs that you put on your drill..

Spray some water and have at it.

Not the fastest process, but it cleared my foggy yellow lense pretty good. Almost looks new..maybe after a bit more elbow greese i can get it back to new.

Thought i'd just share... Not bad for $10

--98 Conti..
Awesome, I'll have to keep this in mind.
plastic cleaning

I have been in the dealerships for almost 30 years and have never had a better clear plastic cleaner than this stuff....


I am not a fan of amazon but retail it is the only place to get it other than a body shop supply store. You use the cleaner..by hand or machine ...and then the polish and the plastic is crystal clear again. I first saw it used on convertable top back windows in the recon department, then used it on my old Trackers side and back windows and yesterday used it on my Villager headlights to see what would happen. Surprise they are now crystal clear!! I have had that stuff in the closet for years and never thought to try it. Those headlights are 450.00 each and was putting it off and now I dont have to buy them.
No I do not sell this stuff or have stock in the company but it is great for any plastic that has clouded over, and I thought you may want to try this professional cleaner.

those all work pretty good, but there are times when you need to bring out the big guns..

I used (on my 91 conti, and my 92 cougar, and soon to on my 91 voyager) the following method.

1. remove headlight, it makes it MUCH easier to prevent accidental damage to the paint.
2. with wet/dry sand paper, start around 1000 or so grit, sand the faces of them things wet. I used a random orbit sander to make it go faster, just keep moving!
3. keep going up in the paper grit (as high as you can find, the finer the better) to remove the scratches you get from the lower grits.
4. use one of the plastic cleaners/polishes when you finally get to the end of the sanding.
5. Wax them things up.. at least 2 or 3 times a year. they need UV protection to keep them from yellowing again.

Yea, its drastic, but it will turn a headlight that looks like an amber turn signal back into a headlight in fairly short order (took less than an hour to do for each car).

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