headlight question


Dedicated LVC Member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Rock Island, IL
So, one of my headlights has this square plastic piece just sitting inside of it and the whole headlight has this brown crap all on the inside of it. Is that the beam deflector or whatever it's called? What would be the best way to clean that crap out? Should i just take the whole assembly out and CLR the inside or something?
Okay I took the assembly out of my car, and that piece floating around is some metal piece that is all rusty and has turned the inside of my headlight assembly all brown. The problem is, I can't get it out. Is there a way to take apart the assembly? :feedback
Has anyone else seperated these before, because I can't get it apart. I put it in the oven and got it warm, kinda hot actually, and I still can't get it apart. I need help!!!
rmac694203 said:
Has anyone else seperated these before, because I can't get it apart. I put it in the oven and got it warm, kinda hot actually, and I still can't get it apart. I need help!!!

Iv'e done a few sets.

DON'T keep them in there too long. The lens will melt and turn a milky while color. (usually on the corners, or the edges.) You have to take your time and heat the glue seam evenly. I ended up breaking out the flat blade screwdrivers and prying them apart while wearing a pair of my TIG welding gloves.

The reason your reflector film is "brown" was a reaction the mylar had with the adhesive used to hold the 2 halves together. I have installed a set of HID projectors out of a VW golf, and sanded/polished the lens perfectly clear.

If you follow one of the links in my sig, you'll se a page dedicated to what I'm doing to them.

Hope this helps. Mike

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