Schiff feels people should pay for their own health insurance, and at face value, that is basically, a good idea.
The problem is, not everybody makes the kind of money that one would have to put aside to pay for their health insurance.
Sure, the payroll tax would be adjusted as an offset but, what about people who are at, or below the poverty level?
What about seniors who hardly make enough money to eat, let alone pay rent, and all the other expenses working people have.
How do these two groups figure in his plan?
Obviously a payroll tax adjustment isn't going to be enough for most people to purchase health care insurance, not that they would anyway.
This health care issue is not going to be solved in this , or the next session of congress.
It is far to complicated, and those who are drafting proposals practically on a daily basis, need to understand that in a country as deverse as this one, no "one size fits all" program is going to work for everyone.
I think the best policy to follow, is something in line with what Schiff proposed but, something similar to the present medicare system aimed at seniors and low income people.
The problem with restructuring the payrool tax to accomodate the purchase of health insurance is that the government spending on other things would more than likely take a hit due to less monies coming in.
That in itself could be a good thing but, opens up a whole different can of worms.
Another item that is costing the feds, as well as the states, is the cost incurred by illegal immigrants.
With estimates of over 12 million here, and that is an estimate, their presence here is taking it's toll on the states.
This problem needs to be dealt with when considering health care for the nation's people.
They are a drain on the system, and no plausible healthcare system can be put into place without addressing the millions here illegally who partake of the benefits afforded legal citizens.