Heat/AC Blowing Diffrent Temp out of diffrent vents. HELP??


Well-Known LVC Member
May 4, 2008
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My Heat is Blowing Very Cold Air out of the Drivers floor below the steering wheel when on 90 Degrees. The upper left Drivers vent near the Window is also Luke warm air.

Is this the DCCV going bad? And isn't there a test you can do for Codes on the Climate Control Panel to see if there is another problem? Any one have the link please?

Also what is the fuse that blows when the DCCV goes? Whats it called in the fuse section f the owners Manuel?

The Car is a 02 LS V8 Sport. Thanks.
Well, it could be the DCCV, but usually DCCV problems get you heat when you don't want it, not the other way around. If it is your DCCV, it is clogged or stuck.

DATC self test for gen I: http://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/fo...ng-Climate-Control-System-No-Heat-Information
Note that the self test only finds obvious electrical problems. It does not detect many mechanical issues.

The fuse is #1 (10A) under the hood and is described as "A/C Clutch."
If it were blown (and there weren't any other problems), you would be getting maximum heat at cruising speed.

Possible causes:
1. Air in the cooling system heater loop, due to degraded plastic cooling parts with micro cracks. Try the heater air bleed part of the bleed procedure: http://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/tech/drain-lincoln-ls-cooling-system/ If you get air out and get much better heat for a short while, then you will know that you need to replace the plastic parts, including the degas bottle. Alternately, if you can't get any coolant out, it indicates cracked plastic too.

2. Clogged cooling system. Clogs are probably most likely at the screen in the Tee in the upper radiator hose or in the DCCV itself.

3. Failed and maybe clogged aux pump.

4. Stuck cold-air bypass door. (I don't think it is this as your post implies that you have heat on the passenger side.)

5. Faulty DATC. Unplug the electrical connector to the DCCV. If you get full heat when you do, then a faulty DATC is a possible cause.

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