You have one or both of two separate problems. Need to know which to be able to help.
1. You can't get any air (hot or cold) out of the floor vents. Select floor on the DATC and set the blower to maximum. Can you feel air coming out of the floor vents? If not, then the actuator for the floor air door has failed, or the door itself is broken or stuck.
1a. (unlikely) You get air out of the other floor vents, but not on the driver's side. - The duct for the driver's side is detached or clogged.
2. You can't get heated air out of any vents. Set the control to max temperature (engine fully warmed up) and max blower. Do you get heated (very hot actually) air out either or both sides? If not, then coolant flow through the heater cores is blocked. This is most often due to air pockets in the cooling system. Follow the filling and bleeding procedure. If this restores heat, then you probably have micro cracks in the cooling system plastics. If so, you will lose the heat again. You'll need to replace the plastic parts. The other likely possibilities are: a clog in the DCCV, a clog in the tee of the upper radiator hose, or someone stuffed plugs in the heater hoses instead of replacing a defective DCCV.
(If you get heated air out of one side and not the other, it's your DCCV.)