Heater AC Blower won't run.


Active LVC Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Wichi-taw Kan-sas
Please help. I've followed the troubleshooting for this and it tells me the Blower Module is bad. I got a new one. Blower still won't run. Troubleshooting tells me the same thing again. OK, so is there a bad run of these things? They were both ac-Delco parts.

Interesting thing is I don't know for sure which connection is a/b/c. On the Blower Module output, I checked them all. I get 6v, 12v, 6v. And one of them is supposed to be ground. This is true if I hook up the old one again also. The blower module input from the wiring harness checks out correctly. - 0V, 12v, 6v (they're marked, I know which is A...)

Can anyone tell me what to try next? Any help is 'preciated!

99 STS
Well, I guess that is that.

Not sure why but it started working again. I guess the next time it quits I'll wiggle some wires.:cool:
Hey, now it has quit again. I altered some pins so they would make better contact but it is still not blowing. All the troubleshooting tells me its the fan, but I replaced that in March. Crossing fingers I can find the receipt...

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