RE-Heater blows cold on LTC
Matt,My 88 Town Car was doing the same thing last week.The blend door was not closing all the way.Open the glove box door and look thru the left side.It may be easier to remove the door.You will see a vacuum actuator right behind the glove box on the left side .Pull the vacuum hose off and see if the heat gets hot.if it does,plug the hose with a screw or bolt.The Temperature Control lever won't control the temp with the hose plugged because it opens the blend door as the lever is moved toward cool.I have to turn the fan to low and eventually switch the selector lever to off because it puts out more heat than I thought it would.My problem is a vacuum temperature control switch above the glove box at the top of the dash.It is allowing vacuum to the blend door actuator when the temp lever is all the way over to the hottest temp setting.The cooler the setting,the more vacuum to open the blend door.There should be no vacuum at the hottest setting.If this works for you and you run it thru the winter this way,you can just plug the hose back on to the actuator in the spring and the A/C will work normal. Hope this helps your problem.