This may help some people (and make others laugh)
Been driving all summer with heater core bypassed but I had to do the dreaded heater core fix before Christmas. Took the dash off, console out etc, but got stuck with the AC lines going through the firewall.
As I was going to delete the aircon anyway, I (had) it evacuated and hacksawed the lines - leaving an inch or so coming out the firewall - so that the heater box could be pulled loose.
Now I managed to free the heater core but it was too damaged to repair and I couldn't get a replacement until after xmas which would mean putting dash back and taking off again!
Anybody guess where I'm going with this? Yeah - Connect those heater core hoses onto the old AC lines! Done this 2 weeks ago and so far no problems.
This may be a temporary fix for someone who has deleted AC and doesn't want to remove dash.
Been driving all summer with heater core bypassed but I had to do the dreaded heater core fix before Christmas. Took the dash off, console out etc, but got stuck with the AC lines going through the firewall.
As I was going to delete the aircon anyway, I (had) it evacuated and hacksawed the lines - leaving an inch or so coming out the firewall - so that the heater box could be pulled loose.
Now I managed to free the heater core but it was too damaged to repair and I couldn't get a replacement until after xmas which would mean putting dash back and taking off again!
Anybody guess where I'm going with this? Yeah - Connect those heater core hoses onto the old AC lines! Done this 2 weeks ago and so far no problems.
This may be a temporary fix for someone who has deleted AC and doesn't want to remove dash.