Heh. Lefty blogosphere and media explode over Palin 'gaffe' - OOPS


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October 19, 2010

Historic Illiteracy: Idiot Sarah Palin "Party Like It's 1773" After The Election!

OMG, will this blithering idiot ever shut up?!
Seeking to channel the sign-bearing, flag-waving enthusiasm of the "tea party" movement into ballot-box victories, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told hundreds of supporters Monday they couldn't "party like it's 1773" until Washington was flooded with like-minded conservatives.
I mean, 1773?! WOW. Glad I wasn't the only one who caught this latest Palin gaffe:

And finally, channeling the Insane Clown Posse:

I mean, hell, it must be extremely embarrassing to have your obvious ignorance of 5th grade American history revealed by the likes of the Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas and PBS anchor & presidential debate moderator Gwen Ifill. HAHAHAHAHA, what a freakin' dumb ass! What happened in 1773, indeed!
oh, wait:

Boston Tea Party, 1773
Like they were saying: Ummmmm...
PS: In case you're thinking Palin got lucky, here's the video of her remarks ... which clearly refer to the original Boston Tea Party.
UPDATE: Welcome, Ace of Spades, Michelle Malkin, National Review, Washington Examiner, C4P, Ed Driscoll, doubleplusundead, Protein Wisdom, Dan Riehl, Sundries Shack, Jawa Report, Newsbusters, JammieWearingFool, Bryan Preston and HotAir.
Jim Treacher notes:
Is it a small, petty thing to be pleased about? Maybe, but then, it was a small, petty thing for them to be pleased about when they thought they had something.
You betcha!
Duane Lester storyboards this whole kerfuffle here; excellent.
Also, the tweet that launched a thousand retweets from Melissa Clouthier -- thanks! You can follow me on Twitter here.
UPDATE: Official Presidential Debate ModeratorTM Gwen Ifill is now spinning wildly.
UPDATE: Aaaaand, there it is --- hello, memeorandum.

Posted by Cuffy Meigs on October 19, 2010 at 01:15 PM | Permalink
You simpleton! These people are intellectuals, why should they be bothered to know what happened in 1773! :lol:

It's sad that most people don't know the reason behind the Boston Tea Party, let alone when it happened.

Damned liberal infidels!
Lets not party like its 1773, I would be a slave.
Really? Like Crispus Attucks at the Boston Massacre?

...and on the topic of the thread-
I was going to make a snide comment cleverly relating this to the Christine O'Donnell story (separation of church and state)
It's the same thing. Condescending, faux intellectuals engaged in a pathetic, ignorant group think fueled by ignorance and a society that gives everyone a trophy.
It's bad enough when the "elites" at the Ivy Leagues think they are intellectually superior, now we have an entire society where stupid people, particularly those who get their news from John Stewart, all have such unreasonably high opinions of themselves.
He was already dead in 1773, I may be wrong. What race he? I think he was mixed, some say he was native american, I am dark, ask Frogman, I can't pass for mixed or native american.
He was already dead in 1773
Yes, he died at the Boston Massacre.

What race he?
He's considered black. Though maybe half black/half indian.

And your skin tone is of little relevance here.
The point is simply that ALL blacks were not slaves and the culture wasn't necessarily "racist." It's a complicated thing to discuss, but the mere fact that you were black doesn't mean that you were a slave.

Most of the true ugliness associated with race relations came about during reconstruction, post civil war.
Tweets on iowahawk's account were pretty funny. Here are a select few...

#KosHistoryQuiz US const. establishes which 3 branches? (a) Exec, Judicial, Legislative (b) EPA, IRS, Sesame Street (c) Obama, Obama, Obama

#KosHistoryQuiz Boston Tea Party was a protest against (a) taxes (b) tuition increases (c) insensitivity against the Founding Muslims

#KosHistoryQuiz "1773" is (a) teabagger racist code (b) Chicago area code (c) L33t H4x0r code

#KosHistoryQuiz how many lefty bloggers does it take to screw up a Palin-is-Stupid meme? (a) 1 (b) 1773 (c) how many do you got?

#KosHistoryQuiz what is the significance of 1773? (a) Boston Tea Party (b) year when GOP invented slavery (c) sales of Kos' last book
tweets on iowahawk's account were pretty funny. Here are a select few...

#koshistoryquiz us const. Establishes which 3 branches? (a) exec, judicial, legislative (b) epa, irs, sesame street (c) obama, obama, obama

#koshistoryquiz boston tea party was a protest against (a) taxes (b) tuition increases (c) insensitivity against the founding muslims

#koshistoryquiz "1773" is (a) teabagger racist code (b) chicago area code (c) l33t h4x0r code

#koshistoryquiz how many lefty bloggers does it take to screw up a palin-is-stupid meme? (a) 1 (b) 1773 (c) how many do you got?

#koshistoryquiz what is the significance of 1773? (a) boston tea party (b) year when gop invented slavery (c) sales of kos' last book

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
Yes, he died at the Boston Massacre.

He's considered black. Though maybe half black/half indian.

And your skin tone is of little relevance here.
The point is simply that ALL blacks were not slaves and the culture wasn't necessarily "racist." It's a complicated thing to discuss, but the mere fact that you were black doesn't mean that you were a slave.

Most of the true ugliness associated with race relations came about during reconstruction, post civil war.

Who said anything about being a racist, I stated that in 1773 I would have been a slave, my family is from cordele, georgia. There were slaves in the south, not all blacks lived in boston. I didnt make my the statement to bring up race.
Who said anything about being a racist, I stated that in 1773 I would have been a slave, my family is from cordele, georgia. There were slaves in the south, not all blacks lived in boston. I didnt make my the statement to bring up race.
Yes you did, and you also attempted to make the thread about you - which is by definition 'trolling'.

It's just a silly argument. Nobody's talking about bringing back slavery - that's just a very un-clever way for you to bring up race. We're talking about bringing back the spirit of independence that sparked the Boston Tea Party and led to our freedom from an oppressive government - which is what we desire today as well.

So get over yourself. It's really NOT about you in any way, unless you want to join in and fight for freedom.
Yes, you clearly brought up race. I am beginning to loathe the internet.
Ok, I didnt mean to bring up race, I was just making the ststement, I do not want to party like its 1773.
Ok, I didnt mean to bring up race, I was just making the ststement, I do not want to party like its 1773.

Fair enough. Please to protest if we "party like it is 1773" in a political sense come election night. ;)

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