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Dedicated LVC Member
May 9, 2004
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I cannot remove the lower air strut bolt. I got off the nut and can't even hammer the bolt out. Can any one give me any hints or ideas, this is for the drivers side
i use a 4 foot breaker bar and cheater pipe for those hard to get loose bolts,that and lots of penatrating oil
No I got the NUT OFF THE BOLT, I however can't get the bolt to slide out.
an you not get a socket on the bolt to get it to loosen up,have had this problem i feel your pain.
heres a picture


now i see.have you ventsd the solinoid to take some of the pres. off.i know ,just another stupid quest. next youll be sending a pic. with you flying the bird and a torch in your hand.
the bads have to be empty to get them out. eather dran it, ORRRRR just drill a hole in it, or beat the hell out of it !!!!!! that has worked in the past
Just remember that when you put it back on it more than likely will not go all the way back in. You will need to put on the nut and tighten it up that way. The bracket on the bolt will catch and stop it from spinning and it will come right through. I wanted to break the SOB before I figured that out.
I had that issue awhile back. The bolt is stuck in a metal sleeve which in turn is housed in a rubber bushing. If you heat it up, the LCA will need to replaced, $115 LTIL, because the bushing will melt.

If you keep turning the bolt, while stuck in the metal sleeve, that will slowly destroy rubber bushing.

I used a ball joint press to push the bolt through. The kind they loan at AutoZone. That press has an open end so the bolt head will pass by it without the metal flag attached.

Good luck
well as you could tell I got it out, I also got the new one in
MarkOfDeath said:
well as you could tell I got it out, I also got the new one in
:Beer :gr_hail: but what did you do to get it out,or what method
well I soak in PB blaster since 2:00 pm I guess it takes awhile but I soaked it down almost the whole can, because I was pissed, then I went back out took a deep breath and sluged the hell out of it and it moved about a good 3mm but after that you just had to tap it out, once it was out I proceeded to flick off the bolt and the bad strut then throw the strut across the driveway in to the grass and then I swore at it for about another 10mins, then again I gave it the bird. walked inside grabed the camera, took a picture of my rage. then posted it. now the new strut is in im inside with some mega swap ass and cooling down with some nice ice cold crisp Mountain Dew. I thought I counldnt wait for warm weather, man its hot outside, its 80+
thats cool.was the bolt seezed in the strut sleeve and you had it broke loose from the rubber. i was always told that if at any time i was getting my a$$ kicked,stop!! go smoke a cig,drink a pop, do sit ups or just walk around the block.when you come back it usually falls out.
MarkOfDeath said:
*owned* *owned* *owned* *owned*
hell ya, I love that sh it give every thing the finger *owned* *owned* *owned* :I :Beer *owned*

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