Clay, go to Canadian Tire or Walmart or dollar stores and look for suction cup dent pullers,
They come all sorts of sizes and colors ....
get at least two of the small ones ....
get another person to help you muscle the glass back in the most upward position, as in CLOSED,
now on the inside where the ledge of the interior door part starts place those two suction cups
onto the glass.
When you let go of the glass, the suction cups will hold it in place and prevent it from sliding down again.
This will allow you some time to get the parts you need and at least ables you to
lock your car and park it for the night. (with glass all the way up and looking somewhat normal)
I keep a pair brand new in the glove compartment just for this reason.
(not too keen on sticking it to my tint on the inside but in case of emergency ...)