Help ,engines overheating !


New LVC Member
May 15, 2006
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Alright guys one of you car gurus I need your help .I know basically nothing about cars ,well a little more than nothingbut not much .My engine keeps overheating .Its not the thermostat ,took it out .I checked the oil and it didnt seem milky so it doesnt seemed to have a cracked head . It runs fine for ten fifteen minutes and the shoots straight to HOTT .It acts like the engine isnt getting any coolant ,the hose that goes to the engine doesnt have any pressure .I can let it sit for ten mins and then it is good for a little while again .It keeps losing coolant but I cant tell if its evaporating due to the heat or leaking from somewhere .Any help would be appreciated .
Did you check for any leaks. It was hard to tell for my leak but i finnaly found it. I dont know much about engines but i had a leak in one of the hoses and it kept overheating.
or if you know nothing about cars like you said...take it to the dealer. the ls has one of the most complicated cooling systems I've ever seen. Oh, and glad to know you are straight... :)
ls are known for the overflow bucket to crack. hard to get to under the wiper on the drivers side. see if it is leaking there first, next check hoses, there is one under the overflow bucket, pain in the @ss to get to. next make sure you filled it with coolant at the fill port. it is center of the engine in front, uses an allen wrench to remove. be careful it is plastic, check your radiator and hoses. if not that then move on to water pump and last your head gaskets.
if you know nothing about engines like you said, take it to the dealer. the ls has one of the most complicated cooling systems I've ever seen. Oh, and glad to know you are straight... :)

Its a 01 v8 ...Thought this may be helpful .Thanks for the help fellas .So the coolant goes in the little plastic cap looking thing above the thermostat with the allen wrench opening .So Im not supposed to put the coolant or water in the cap up near the firewall on the drivers side ? I dont know a lot about cars meaning Im not a mechanic ,If I have some directions or an idea of what needs to be done I can usually handle it .Im pretty mechanically inclined and pretty smart too if you ask me and yes I am straight but I was reffering to something us younger folk say .Anyway Thanks for all the help .
I just went through this same problem. I got it checked and they said it was a leak somewhere. So i started with the degas bottle(where you put the anti-freeze in). I took it out ( a huge PITA) and looked at it. The thing had; if i rember correct; 13 hairline cracks in it. I ordered a new one from teamford ($81) and replaced it. The problem has since gone away. I would recommend getting it diagnoist first, see what they say. If its a leak then its prolly the bottle, pretty common issue with the bottles. And if it is plan a weekend working on it.
There is too much guessing going on. You need to take it in. It could be a leaking hose, or could simply be that your coolant system has an air bubble, and needs to be bled per the Service Manual.

If you are detecting a coolant leak that's escaping just behind the drivers side front wheelwell, then it's a good chance it's the degas bottle aka coolant tank. After a couple years, they tend to develop stress/pressure cracks from the inside...sooner or later, one of those cracks goes all the way through. The leak often only occurs under pressure/when the engine is hot.

Removal is not that bad. You do have to remove the wipers/upper sway bar, and the plastic cowling. A few easy to get to nuts, and all of that is off. The tricky part is removing the lower hose from the degas bottle, and replacing that lower hose back on the replacement degas bottle...there is not enough "play" in the hose to stretch it upwards to get to the clamp.

So..the trick is to jack up the car, remove the drivers side wheel, and remove the plastic wheel well liner. Once you remove the wheel well liner, there is a hole in the sheetmetal of the wheel well. THe hole is intentionally placed right where the lower hose connects to the degas bottle. You can easily reach through the hole to disconnect/reconnect the clamp.
Don't know if this helps but i removed the collant bottle by taking the hose of from behind the driver side valve cover where the plastic hose connects to the stainless pipe then the bottle comes out with hose and and all rather simple u just need some long neddle nose pliers. Hope that was of help.
Thanks Guys

Where is the heater air bleed valve I need to flush the coolant system ? Im gonna try that first because I just put the coolant in after I pulled out the thermostat so chances are I have air in it .May not be the root of the problem but it prob has some air.Next comes the degas bottle
LS8andIMstr8 said:
Where is the heater air bleed valve I need to flush the coolant system ? Im gonna try that first because I just put the coolant in after I pulled out the thermostat so chances are I have air in it .May not be the root of the problem but it prob has some air.Next comes the degas bottle

It's the little black tube thingy coming out by the degas bottle. Unscrew it to bleed the system. Be sure to read QuikLS's tech article on how to do that first. I just changed the degas bottle in mine last week. I followed Lou's instructions to the "T" and I have not had one problem.:D
LS8andIMstr8 said:
is that pelham alabama ?Thanks

Yeah it is. I just realized you're in B'ham! Right up the road. Cool!
OK i changed the resevoir bottle the thermostat and i just bleed the air from the engine but it still overheats i noticed a little drip from coming from under the car from like the tranny and the down pipe of the exhaust but can't pin point the exact point from where it's coming. HELP PLEASE

had the same problem.are you getting backpressure in the overflow.if you are you may have a hairline crack !!!! i used thermaseal,a pain in the butt to do,but it works great !!! ;)
DuBzOnDaLs said:
OK i changed the resevoir bottle the thermostat and i just bleed the air from the engine but it still overheats i noticed a little drip from coming from under the car from like the tranny and the down pipe of the exhaust but can't pin point the exact point from where it's coming. HELP PLEASE

You may not have secured the line enough. That clip is a bitch. Putting that hose back took the longest.
The leak i see is on the passenger side of the car. MIKE MALUCHNIK where do u think i have a crack at the resevoir is new.Osain from what i see the clip is on good cause i can't twist the hose with my hand and i don't see any leak from the end of the hose. This is just driving me crazy i haven't had the car a year yet and i have spent over 2500 in repairs from coils to this i am really considering tradeing it in for a brand new one.
DuBzOnDaLs said:
The leak i see is on the passenger side of the car. MIKE MALUCHNIK where do u think i have a crack at the resevoir is new.Osain from what i see the clip is on good cause i can't twist the hose with my hand and i don't see any leak from the end of the hose. This is just driving me crazy i haven't had the car a year yet and i have spent over 2500 in repairs from coils to this i am really considering tradeing it in for a brand new one.

Passenger side...I don't know. If the heater core is on that side (has been in my past vehicles) it could be coming from there or the line that leads to it.
Osaín said:
You may not have secured the line enough. That clip is a bitch. Putting that hose back took the longest.

tru dat, also hope you didnt flex the actual piping too much. only other thing i know of, in that location is a major gasket, not sure but see if someone knows the location of the heater core and the lines that go to it. i havent had to work on mine yet, maybe thats it.

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