Active LVC Member
Hey all, I'm new to the world of Mark VIII ownership and I need some help Plz... A couple of weeks ago I was driving my 97 LSC and it died while at speed. It will crank but it won't start. I have thrown serveral parts at it now but no luck yet. I have replaced the crank and camshaft sensors, the fuel cutoff switch as well as the fuel pump and the filter. I also have used a hand held computer but it didn't throw any codes. I have moved around some of the relays in the fuse box and also metered all of the fuses. On the dash computer its showing eng temp data and gear data and its green alarm light is flashing even while cranking. I took the ECM out and attemped to have it checked out but the local ford dealership and a couple of parts houses can't test it outside the car??? No help with that. I check the shredder valve and nothing is flowing out so I have no fuel pressure at all. :Bang Plz help with any responce. :give Thank you,