Help! Key Stuck


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Drove my 1990 Mark home from work this afternoon and found my self with a really wierd problem. I could not turn the ignition off! Tried shifting from park to low and back again several times. Tried turning the steering wheel. Tried driving around the block -- all without any change in the situation.
Finally I disconnected the coil to stop the motor and then disconnected the battery. All stopped. Then, I tried reconnecting -- no change, and re-starting--still no change. So I stopped the motor as before and again disconnected the battery. I'm wondering if there is some sort of control at the shift lever that I might need to deal with but don't have any knowledge about that. Any ideas that you guys might would sure be welcome. I need to use the car to go to work tomorrow.:confused:
Yeah, sounds like you have the lock cylinder actuator rods are stuck. Its a twenty dollar fix depending on which of the two pieces have gotten stuck or broke.

They are located deep within the steering column and it's a couple hour job to get the steering column out and apart.

You can try taking the lock cylinder out with a thin punch. The access hole is visible form the bottom of the steering column near the the edge where your key fits. As it is in the "run" position, I think that is where it needs to be to get it out.
If the key lock assembly can be removed, check to see if there are no broke pieces in the slot.
No broken pieces or hung up parts in the slot. That tells me that its the actuator rods.

This is more a of weekend job as it will take some time to get the tools, parts and info to get it all apart.

This may help if it's the actuator rods;
Yeah, sounds like you have the lock cylinder actuator rods are stuck. Its a twenty dollar fix depending on which of the two pieces have gotten stuck or broke.

They are located deep within the steering column and it's a couple hour job to get the steering column out and apart.

You can try taking the lock cylinder out with a thin punch. The access hole is visible form the bottom of the steering column near the the edge where your key fits. As it is in the "run" position, I think that is where it needs to be to get it out.
If the key lock assembly can be removed, check to see if there are no broke pieces in the slot.
No broken pieces or hung up parts in the slot. That tells me that its the actuator rods.

This is more a of weekend job as it will take some time to get the tools, parts and info to get it all apart.

This may help if it's the actuator rods;

Many thanks for your informative reply. Last night I managed to get the key assembly out. I still haven't been able to remove the key from the lock assembly. I purchased an assembly and tried to install it. I was not successful and as it was very hot and humid and getting dark I decided to try again this morning. I'll have a look in the assembly receiver but noticed nothing external that seemed worn or broken on the old assembly. Given that I can't get the key out of the old one I assumed that I had a problem internal to the assembly. Still hoping that's the problem cause the actuator rods are not nice to deal with. Thanks again.


Just thought I'd bring you, and any others interested, up to date. I was fortunate. The problem (unlike yours) was not with the actuator rods but the key lock itself. This morning I was able to see and found a small bit of plastic in the barrel. After removing I was able to slip the new barrel in. It functioned as intended and I was able to drive the car to work. My only remaining unachieved tasks are to re-program the door key pad the clock/calendar and retrieve my key fron the original ignition lock. Tried lots of lube, lots of pulling lots of jiggeling and still it remains fast in the lock. I am now considering using a CAT (Chevy Adjustment Tool) otherwise known as a hammer! Thanks again for your insight.
I am now considering using a CAT (Chevy Adjustment Tool) otherwise known as a hammer! Thanks again for your insight.

I have to ask what may seem like an obvious question but I have not heard it asked.

On the key cylinder, did you try first depressing the spring loaded pin and then rotating the cylinder within the it's shell until the key fell out?

I can provide pictures tommorrow if needed.
I have to ask what may seem like an obvious question but I have not heard it asked.

On the key cylinder, did you try first depressing the spring loaded pin and then rotating the cylinder within the it's shell until the key fell out?

I can provide pictures tommorrow if needed.

Yep, tried , not first, but it didn't want to rotate. Family member says this afternoon he'll show me where to take a drill bit to it so that it'll fall apart. Let ya know if it works. Thanks for the link on the steak sandwiches!
Yep, tried , not first, but it didn't want to rotate. Family member says this afternoon he'll show me where to take a drill bit to it so that it'll fall apart. Let ya know if it works. Thanks for the link on the steak sandwiches!
You're welcome.
Since the cylinder is toast, I would remove the pin retainer and watch the eight or so pins and springs go flying around the room.

They're called CHEESE STEAKS even if there's no CHEESE on em.

John "Philly-Born-And-Bread-But-Not-Buttered" Dancy
MMMmmmm... I sure could go for one of those right now.


Too neat and it won't help Dude get his key out of the cylinder :)

Well, guys its out! Took a 3/16 bit to the end near the pin and after about 30 seconds --- boing! Now I have my original (blue plastic coated ignition key) to open my doors and of course a new key for the ignition :D/ Now that I have my key back my mouth is watering for a cheese steak. Love em but not enough to make a 6 hour drive to Philly and back. Guess I'll have to wait till I visit there again. Thanks J Y for your support and of course, Torque's too.
You're welcome and congratulations.

Now for the OTHER question;

How are you fixed for spare keys? It's normally not until we get into situations like this that we even CONSIDER spares.
Well... you start off with a set of these, because they are pretty cool;

And then you run around town looking for a shop that can cut Lincoln keys because they only have Ford dies to cut keys (Honest truth, I educated a few places that the keys were the same. Though they couldn't find the Ford dies anyhow.)
Now that you have a set of "cool" keys to show off at the next breakfast meet, you have satisfied the need for a spare set of keys as well.
You're welcome and congratulations.

Now for the OTHER question;

How are you fixed for spare keys? It's normally not until we get into situations like this that we even CONSIDER spares.

Well, already had a couple of spares -- but I wanted my original back! Not logical I know. But, now that I have it, it looks pretty worn compared to the spare. Now I have three for the doors and two for the ignition. All I have to do is use the correct key.

Now for the important question;

What makes Philly cheese steaks the best? My guess -- all that artery cloging heart stoping drip down your wrists GREASE! :D If grease is good for my cars why not for me too? ;)
Now for the important question;

What makes Philly cheese steaks the best? My guess -- all that artery cloging heart stoping drip down your wrists GREASE! :D If grease is good for my cars why not for me too? ;)
Fresh daily, never frozen, meats and rolls.
Chopped while being cooked.
Grills cleaned with oil and water and salt; never vinegar or chemicals.
If you have a sandwhich with grease then it's not a Philly Cheese Steak, but an imposter.

Neat refers to the ability to lift the sandwhich without spilling it's contents. True Philly Cheese Steaks are never neat. You're SUPPOSED to have too much meat and cheese and peppers and onions on them. If you eat the excess first, you should be as full as if you've had an appetizer. Rolls are never hollowed. Cheese Steak rolls baked by Amaroso, for example, have ingredients that allow the product to maintain it's consistancy when holding a pound of chopped beef.

There's tons more information but I'll let Google be your friend.
Only morons use oil.
Way too neat.
For visitors. Good quality, high price.

For me ... you'll just have to come to Philly and see :)
Fresh daily, never frozen, meats and rolls.
Chopped while being cooked.
Grills cleaned with oil and water and salt; never vinegar or chemicals.
If you have a sandwhich with grease then it's not a Philly Cheese Steak, but an imposter.

Neat refers to the ability to lift the sandwhich without spilling it's contents. True Philly Cheese Steaks are never neat. You're SUPPOSED to have too much meat and cheese and peppers and onions on them. If you eat the excess first, you should be as full as if you've had an appetizer. Rolls are never hollowed. Cheese Steak rolls baked by Amaroso, for example, have ingredients that allow the product to maintain it's consistancy when holding a pound of chopped beef.

There's tons more information but I'll let Google be your friend.
Only morons use oil.
Way too neat.
For visitors. Good quality, high price.

For me ... you'll just have to come to Philly and see :)

And, the last word goes to ----JY (AKA Oldschool1) ;) :wave :wave

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