help lincoln ls problem


LVC Member
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
brooklyn new york
I searched the forums and did not find something similar to what happened to me today, im sorry if i am posting in the wrong area.

After driving the car on and off for about 1 hours maybe 20 miles with no problems, I went to eat lunch. When I started to drive down the street after about one minute of driving, pressing the gas did not do anything. No power, no accelaration, no reving noise from the engine. I immediately pulled over and tried reverse, nothing in reverse either. I shut the car off. And started it in about 5 seconds. It started back up smoothly but would not move forward or reverse. After trying to start it up again it started but stalled out in about 3 seconds. My further attempts to start the car have been unsuccessful. It churns but does not start

I checked the oil it was fine as well as the transmission fluid. I have a half tank of gas and did not get any gas in about 2 weeks. When i opened the hood i saw no signs of problems. I did open the engine cap and saw minor smoke/steam in the engine, but nothing significant.

The reason I am asking your opinions is because of the hurricane I do not know how easy it will be to get my car to the mechanic. It is a 2000 lincoln LS with about 129k miles. No dash lights or engine transmission issues in recent weeks/months. Thank you for taking the time.
Check your fuses for the fuel injectors. If its blown, replace it. If it blows again, replace and unplug your MAF sensor. If it doesn't blow, it may be a faulty sensor. This happened to me back in May. Not sure if this is the source of your issue, but thought I'd share.
thanks for the quick responses guys, used the dipstick minutes after it stalled, 2000, v6

There is no dipstick for the auto transmission on the LS. You have to lift it up level in the air, have the engine running, and take the inner plug out of the coaxial transmission drain plug to check the level.

Which dipstick did you check? It wasn't the transmission.

It sounds like your throttle cable may have broke at the throttle end. That explains everything but the no-start.
When you turn the key on, do you hear the fuel pump prime? If not, then that's the problem. The suggestion to unplug the MAF is also a good test to try.
I do not have anyone to listen for this sound under the rear seat.

I have asked my mechanic on at least 2 occassions lets say the last 30k miles checks to change the fuel filter. His response to me was that this car does not have a fuel filter, he said either it was in the gas tank or located with the fuel pump and could only be changed when the fuel pump went bad. I am finding posts here that this car has a fuel filter under the drivers side wheel well, can someone confirm? Could not changing the fuel filter since i bought the car 77k, 2006, it now has 130k caused this?
I do not have anyone to listen for this sound under the rear seat.

I have asked my mechanic on at least 2 occassions lets say the last 30k miles checks to change the fuel filter. His response to me was that this car does not have a fuel filter, he said either it was in the gas tank or located with the fuel pump and could only be changed when the fuel pump went bad. I am finding posts here that this car has a fuel filter under the drivers side wheel well, can someone confirm? Could not changing the fuel filter since i bought the car 77k, 2006, it now has 130k caused this?

You need a new mechanic! The fuel filter is located behind the outer fender liner, driver's side. A search will show you how to change it. You should be able to hear the fuel pump energize from the driver's seat. Just make sure it is very, very quiet (NO radio!) and listen for a second or two high pitched whine/tone.
You need a new mechanic! The fuel filter is located behind the outer fender liner, driver's side. A search will show you how to change it. You should be able to hear the fuel pump energize from the driver's seat. Just make sure it is very, very quiet (NO radio!) and listen for a second or two high pitched whine/tone.

Exactly, on all points.
having no gears is a red flag for tranny problems. any lights on the dash ? get the car scanned for codes and post back.
having no gears is a red flag for tranny problems. any lights on the dash ? get the car scanned for codes and post back.

He never said he had no gears. He said the engine wouldn't rev.
Thank so much, all of you guys were great! I did not have any lights on the dash at all.
My mechanic said it was the fuel pump, $485 later, welcome to bklyn ny... I also explained to him my car does have a fuel filter, thanks to this site, he changed that as well. I really appreciate you guys getting back to me soo quickly as to what the problem might be.

Let me ask what part of this message boars should I start reading to find out how to take better care of this 2000 lincoln ls, besides what I have read and do that it explained in my owners manual. Thanks!
ah a fellow brooklyn LS owner. what part of brooklyn are you in?

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