Hi! I have a 2005 Lincoln LS V8. The Lincoln started overheating on me one day (ac and heater both (still) work fine) I have purchased a new degas (reservoir) tank, a new radiator, a new thermostat, water pump, and new upper radiator hose. We have been bleeding this car for 4 days (hours at a time) and still seems to have air somewhere in the system. At idle the car stays normal temp. when I drive it after a few miles it runs hot and have to replenish with coolant/water. During the bleeding procedure we have used at least 8 gallons of coolant and countless gallons of water. I keep sinking money and time into all these parts and coolants and not getting results. I am at my whits-end, any help or advice at all would be greatly appreciated!!!!!! (There is no water in oil or white smoke)