Help!!! Lincoln ls probs!!


New LVC Member
Oct 30, 2014
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Hi! I have a 2005 Lincoln LS V8. The Lincoln started overheating on me one day (ac and heater both (still) work fine) I have purchased a new degas (reservoir) tank, a new radiator, a new thermostat, water pump, and new upper radiator hose. We have been bleeding this car for 4 days (hours at a time) and still seems to have air somewhere in the system. At idle the car stays normal temp. when I drive it after a few miles it runs hot and have to replenish with coolant/water. During the bleeding procedure we have used at least 8 gallons of coolant and countless gallons of water. I keep sinking money and time into all these parts and coolants and not getting results. I am at my whits-end, any help or advice at all would be greatly appreciated!!!!!! (There is no water in oil or white smoke)
You may have a leak in the other coolant hoses you haven't replaced. Assuming you have installed everything properly, of course.
You need to do all of the hoses: upper rad hose, lower rad hose, thermostat housing outlet and crossover pipe. Add the thermostat housing, too.
We have been bleeding this car for 4 days (hours at a time) and still seems to have air somewhere in the system.

this is really simple, if you bleed and still have air in the system, then you are either not bleeding it right, or you still have a leak...
Here we go again. You've missed the parts that are most likely to be the problem.
See this thread:

Might it stop some of these thread if you renamed that thread "Read Before Posting Cooling Problem Threads" or something along these lines, then make the thread a sticky on its own so it shows right at the top of the screen? We all know that even if people do bother to search they will use the board's search engine and may not know about the google site search feature.
Sounds like a suggestion for the moderator(s)...
Might it stop some of these thread if...

honestly, I doubt it would
most of the new posters that pop on here don't bother to look around anywhere for anything...

in too big of a hurry to get help, so they just post their question, even if that question is covered in five different threads everywhere from the top to the bottom of the first page.

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