HELP!!! locked keys inside car!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
Palmdale CA :(
I tried searching, I found that some of you have gotten in with a coat hanger.. no details... can anyone please help me out.. ps. these are the only set of keys I have..
Pick up a Brick. Stand Back. Throw at Window. Wa la window open. LOL:)

Sorry to hear that I know how bad it sucks.
The cops used to offer this service, but I think they've mostly stopped that service. (I know our campus police used to do it when I was in college, but they stopped it several years ago because of liability issues.)

Call a locksmith; it'll cost you less to hire one than it will to replace anything you might damage within the door. If you're still within the coverage window, you could call Lincoln Roadside Assistance, but I'm guessing that's not an option for your car.
the ls is very hard to get into even for a lock smith....they have to go down the door and back up and into the car to pull the lock open.....I had it done when I locked the keys in the car with it running.....I cost me 45 and he scratched the window tint a little but I had to sign a waver saying he was not respon. if he did.....everyone i talked to says this car is not easy to get good luck.....I know alot of cell phone companys offer road side for like 5 or so a would be worth it and then you always have help a phone call away....
lexdiamondz10304 said:
I tried searching, I found that some of you have gotten in with a coat hanger.. no details... can anyone please help me out.. ps. these are the only set of keys I have..

It ain't easy. I spent 40 minutes with the car running (I had gotten out and the door locked behind me). You need to pry the front door open near the top and go in with a long coat hanger with a bent loop on the end. Lasso the door handle and pull toward the rear.

Like I said its not easy. I'm planning to hide a copy of the key (plain key no theft protection) on the car so I can open the door in the future.
Try going in from the trunk. Have the locksmith open the trunk, lower the seat(s) and climb in and get your keys.
if it is a bonded locksmith most can call the dealer with the vin # and make a key that will dad owns a bodyshop,and we have gotten in cars that were wrecked from the salvage yard and had this done.good luck hope this helps
bell9440 said:
if it is a bonded locksmith most can call the dealer with the vin # and make a key that will dad owns a bodyshop,and we have gotten in cars that were wrecked from the salvage yard and had this done.good luck hope this helps

You can also call the dealership the car was sold at new. They should have the key code. If you can get the key code by the VIN, that's even better news! They can cut you a cheap key (without PATS) that will unlock the doors. Now, go get one of those keyless entry pads Ford sells (that works like a FOB) and have it programmed so you don't have this happen again! I mounted mine under the trunk lip above the license plate. You can't even see it.
Well, the locksmith opened the door in less that a minute haha..... he put a bag (looked like a one of those bags used to measure your blood pressure with the palm squeeze inflator), between black pillar post and pumped it up just until there was a small opening gap in the door, then with a wire, with a hook on the end he pulled the lock open...and whala.. I had to pay 50 bucks.

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