Help me find this knocking sound please! Mp3 included


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 30, 2012
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Attached is a sound clip of what the knocking sounds like inside the car. You can hear it starting from 0:18 and dies out around 0:24. It starts back again at 1:00 till 1:20.

It's definitely coming from the drivers side wheel well an is consistant with speed. I've noticed that it will start when ever i go over a bump and it will continue to click/tick/knock until I step on the brake. I've took it to multiple mechanics and even a friend who works from MTA access-a-ride and no one can figure it out. Caliper, bushings, sliding pins, along with all other suspension parts in the front checked out fine with no signs of play in any components.

Any ideas?
Sound is definitely associated with wheel rotation far as I heard.
Possible inside spoke pinging of the caliper? caliper bolts on tight? Lug nuts tight?
You sure when you jake it up, no play in the wheel top-bottom, side-side?
Sound is definitely associated with wheel rotation far as I heard.
Possible inside spoke pinging of the caliper? caliper bolts on tight? Lug nuts tight?
You sure when you jake it up, no play in the wheel top-bottom, side-side?

the caliper bolts are on tight, lug nuts have been put on via air gun at my friends mta garage. I haven't tried myself, but according to everyone else no play top-bottom and side-side. Is it possible it's wheel bearing?
Worn wheel bearings tend to have a consistent noise going in a straight line and changes in pitch (sound) when turning in either direction as the weight leans to which ever side you are turning to. (away from?)

Also, I do not think that a worn wheel bearing would only begin to make noise when you hit a bump and stop making noise when you apply the brakes.

That pinging sounds to me like something that's ever so slightly contacting the caliper, perhaps even a small rock got caught up in
the brakes somewhere.

Rather then taking other peoples word for it, I'd jack it up, get a flashlight out, spin the wheel and really closely look around what it could possibly be.

As you press the brake the noise goes away, (I heard that for sure in your audio file) I just can't help think that it may be the inside spoke hitting the outside of the caliper. If I recall correctly, there was not much clearance between the caliper and inside spoke on the stock wheel.

I'd have to be there with you to go over it, it's really a guessing game via internet.

We found the issue. Turns out one of the caliper sliding pin was frozen in there pretty darn tight while the other one was free. I guess it caused the brake pad to pop out and rattle when I go over a bump. We figured it out after we saw uneven brake pad wear; the top was wearing more than the bottom.

In other news, I got my SST shifter installed and now I'm able to get true control over the car and it feels GREAT! :D

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