help please


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 23, 2005
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I am replacing my fuel filter and can not figure out how to get the upper hose off of the filter, where do i get the tool needed?
Go down to your local autoparts store they should that special tool there.
what i did when i didn't have anything i grabed a small pocket knife then bend the tip that you can reach far enough to push the clip back that should release the filter.
On my '97 (GenII) I use a small screwdriver. Slipped in between the clip and the housing and gently pullled it out. Mine is a "U" clip looking piece that takes a little wiggleing but it comes out.
nah i got the u clip line off that was easy but the top has these little gripper things in it i guess and the steel braided hose wont come off the filter. I bought the special tool and still cant get it off.
Yeah i got 2 plastic clips but theres only one in use on my car and thats the bottom line that came off with ease for the top line its a different type, I should take some pictures tomorrow.
You need fuel/ac line spring lock disconnect tools. Your local auto parts place should have them in there tool section.
My 98 just uses the clips - Lucky me!
Just did mine last Friday, after a $200 quote.

The spring tool is a stinker to use the first time, once you do it is easier the next time..
As a last resort you can cut off the metal tube at the filter, then use a pen or anything else that will slide up the tube to release the little pins holding it on.

Just be careful cutting - sparks and gas fumes don't play well together.
yeah i used a hacksaw and went slow because i was afraid of some fire. It sure did suck though..

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