HELP tranny issues


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 28, 2005
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So I just got the no 2nd or 5th says metal in fluid need new tranny. taking in on monday to transmission shop for second opinion. I know this is indicative of overdrive failure hoping could be solenoid pack or valve body or servo not engaging the gear.

Anyhow if it's a failure is it possible to "upgrade" to the 04 and newer tranny (5r55s i believe)? Is this tranny any better? I've hated these older trannys from day 1.

The word I've heard (reportedly directly from Lincoln engineering) on using the 5R55S in the '00-'02 LSes is "no way, no how." The PCMs are different between the cars, so the 1st gen LS can't use the tranny from the 2nd gen. Sorry...
I have an 03 ls. they did the switch in july 03 which means some 03's got this trans anyhow. there is NOT a new PCM part # mid year so I'm thinking Maybe???
There's a TSB for the 5R55S installed in LSes built between 11/18/2002 and 5/17/2003, so I'm not sure when they switched from the 5R55N to the 5R55S. I'd guess that it's possible, but just because the PCM is the same, that doesn't mean that the PCM programming is the same.

So... I don't know. Maybe you can find a place that'll let you try the 55S, then exchange it for a 55N if it won't work...
do you know what the "real world" difference is between the trannies? also, I found 2 others here that had the same 2nd and 5th failures but nobody ever bothered to follow up on what the problem was:(
I will know in a few days if switching out the solenoid pack fixes the 2nd-5th problem. I have been driving the car for over 1000 miles with no second or 5th. The tranny doesn't seem any worse than when it first started. I pulled the solenoid pack out of the salvage tranny today. I need to go to the dealership tomorrow and purchase a new filter, 2 new 0-rings, and some tranny fluid. So I should have an update in a few days. If swapping the solenoid pack doesn't fix the problem I will attemp a tranny swap.
are you doing the valve body too or just the solenoid?
and how are you planning on filling the tranny??
I would have done that already except I can't figure out how to fill the darn thing!
suction pump. you need a special adapter to do it with. i have one(adapter) here i can lend you. you gonna call jim about the sct soon?
I don't think I need an XCAL until I have all my gears back...what kind of "suction pump". I checked the normal auto parts stores and can't figure anything out. thanks!
There is a clutch pack or band that applies in both 2nd and 5th gear. I'm betting that is what has failed on you.
I think this is a good time to install a manual transmission. There was one dude on this board (JES_LS) who was doing it. Anybody heard what progress he's made (if any)?

With a manual, you'd really smoke those 1.8 Sentras!
I'd end up killing myself if I put a manual in.
I just found this info on a Jaguar forum. But it is referring to a 5R55N transmission.

"If it will not go into 5th gear then it will not go into second.
The issue is the overdrive gearset which sits just behind the pump. I say second gear may be an issue, because second is first with overdrive. As the transmission does a 1-3-4-5 shift in light throttle you should see what happens under full throttle.
As it appears that the gearset assembly is locked up I would suspect that there is an electro-hydraulic malfunction in opening the clutch within the overdrive and applying the band.
This is a dealer job. They need the latest edition of JTIS which has the correct diagnostic routines. This is absolutely crucial because early versions in simple terms asked the dealer to check the oil level, and iof the transmission didn't work to replace it. The final JTIS had routines to check solenoid and hydraulic function. As there is no hydraulic fluid going to the relevent circuit the issue would probably either an electrical issue or a hydraulic issue. The pinpoint tests will determine route cause. In many cases the solenoid body (adjacent to the valve body) gets debris caught inside the exhaust port of the valve and it goes inside. It cannot function correctly with dirt present and so function is lost.
If there is dirt inside the valve body (main control) a similar issue may occur. That may simply require washing out or if scuffing is present a new main control should be fitted.
Of course there is no sure fire way of determining if there isn't an issue with the overdrive clutches - but I would doubt it - and there is no sure fire way of determining if replacing electrohydraulic components is cheaper than a remanufactured assembly. It may not be.
If you do fit a remanufactured transmission the dealer MUST reflash the PTEC module with the correct software. All remanufactured transmissions that Jaguar sell for the 99 to 02 S-Type are representative of the final version fitted to the car. So they are the quietest and smoothest versions.

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