Here comes another war....

I've always wondered what kind of war it would be if we did get into it with N. Korea. Would it be like Afghanistan, and Iraq where we are in there for an extended period of time with no uniformed enemy; or would it be a string of bombings wipe out a good chunk of the army and have them surrender
having a military background with combat experience, i can say that going toe to toe with North Korea will not end of the main reasons we were so effective in iraq and afghanistan is due to their complete lack of an air force. it's pretty widely known that whoever controls the air over a battlefield controls the battle. another thing is the lack of organization within their ranks. north korea has a strong air force and a well trained army. it'd be one helluva fight that i wouldn't wanna be a part of.
No. We would unquestionably have air superiority against DPRK. In fact, we would be dominant in all ways. In a straight fight, they wouldn't stand a chance, blink and you would miss them.

They do have South Korea outgunned in every way, including our troops in the DMZ, and given the small number of troops, it would only take them a few hours to reach Seoul, being only 30 miles from the border. Granted, it would hurt them dearly to cross US troops and technology, but they would be able to do so.

Then consider the sheer volume of artillery and ordinance pointed directly at Seoul, a city of 10 million people. Whether it is chemical, biological, or nuclear, you can bet they could easily launch it right into the heart of the city.

One thing one must always remember when dealing with DPRK is it is run by a certifiable nut job with a golden girls haircut and a HUGE inferiority complex. They are itching to scrap and would do so at the first sign of US aggression. Furthermore, they know their only chance against the US is to blitzkrieg their way through South Korea and Seoul and mix their troops among the what remains of the South Korean civilian citizenry. Given the time it would take the US to mobilize to defend the south, it is entirely possible they would succeed, and I believe we all know how difficult a land war in Korea can be, especially when the North is bolstered with the fanatical devotion and propaganda that they are.

Kim Jong Il just isn't the sort you play cowboy with. The little f%&ker and his minions that worship him as a GOD are just insane enough to unleash Hell the likes that have not been ever seen in modern history. There's little doubt that DPRK would be mopped up over time, but the costs would be dear.
my thinking is; a country who can barley keep it's people from starving shouldn't be going around picking fights. It might be like the Germans in WWII starting out strong then their supplies and revenue, and fighting force got so depleted towards the end of the war
having a military background with combat experience, i can say that going toe to toe with North Korea will not end of the main reasons we were so effective in iraq and afghanistan is due to their complete lack of an air force. it's pretty widely known that whoever controls the air over a battlefield controls the battle. another thing is the lack of organization within their ranks. north korea has a strong air force and a well trained army. it'd be one helluva fight that i wouldn't wanna be a part of.

Being a part of the military at some point, don't know in what capacity, how can you make that statement.

We have jets where only ONE jet can knock down 7 F-16's in a dogfight without the F-16s even firing a shot.:rolleyes:

Remember how scary Saddam's awesome tank forces were. Target practice.

Our stealth capabilities and ability to knock out any surface-to-air battery if it dares turn on its radar would render NK defenseless in less than 48 hours.
He has nukes now and probably will use them,hopefully we would be able to find them before they are launched..
The big question is what role would China play? (Think we might run out of ammo going against all of them, LOL)

Not saying that this is the same, but the world is on a knife edge...
Honestly, China, I'm sure, wants conflict just as little as we here in the US. China has moved past the false bravado and saber rattling phase. Only small nations like North Korea even really use violence to compensate anymore. The rest of the world, like China and the US are more concerned about global economy. Money is more powerful than any weapon at our disposal. It is in China's best interest for the US to remain economically viable and to continue to do our billions of dollars of trade with them. The collapse of the US economically would mean the collapse of China economically, and they know it. China is so heavily invested in the US, their whole economy depends on the US.

So, while we worry China is gonna cut off our credit, China knows they have to keep these lines of credit open so their economy can keep moving. Remember, China's economy is heavily devoted to manufacturing. They make their money by producing a HUGE surplus of consumer products. They need a service based economy like our own to sell their products to. Since the US consumes so much, and produces so little goods, the US and China form a symbiotic relationship. Cold War era distrust of China of course leaves us worrying, but yeah.... A war with China is about as likely as a war with Japan or France....

I am sure that China's leadership has been doing all they can to put pressure on DPRK to settle down... It just isn't as widely publicized, and Kim Jong Il is probably deep in thought how to handle this without showing weakness and while still trying to make himself look like he is going to rule the world. I think for now he is counting on the rest of the world settling down and letting it go so he doesn't have to apologize, or some short lived sanctions so that he can preach to his people about how the western world fears them therefore they are trying to starve them out.

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