Here comes Obama's brownshirts

During the next civil war wich side will you be on? I know where I stand.

During the next civil war wich side will you be on? I know where I stand.

Oh, Mrs Bad - the South will Rise Again? You'll stand beside 'Josh' I assume in this venture...

Please secede - Please.... :)

It really would be best for the rest of the country. The south has been a drain on the Federal coffers since the end of the Civil War. To this day the southern states (except for Texas, and they are just slightly under a 'wash') receive more in federal funds then they pay in taxes.

And take Fox News with you. ;)
Oh, Mrs Bad - the South will Rise Again? You'll stand beside 'Josh' I assume in this venture...

Please secede - Please.... :)

It really would be best for the rest of the country. The south has been a drain on the Federal coffers since the end of the Civil War. To this day the southern states (except for Texas, and they are just slightly under a 'wash') receive more in federal funds then they pay in taxes.

And take Fox News with you. ;)
Your silly link is just another example of how statistics can be used to demonstrate anything.

I can use the same graph to illustrate the exorbitantly high tax burden in blue states which more than explains why there is such a disparity.

Pathetic as usual.

Oh, and good luck feeding yourselves after secession, and good luck defending yourselves when the Chinese come to foreclose on American land due to the Dear Liar's bankrupting of this nation. Welcome to Mexifornia and New Beijing on the coasts.
(except for Texas, and they are just slightly under a 'wash')

Just slightly under wash?! Reality is irrelevant to you isn't it.

How about we compare Texas to California? Especially when it comes the housing bubble, it's roots lie in liberal strongholds like California and New York.
...what do they make in those "blue" districts?
Finance? And there's some management, but what else?

Manufacturing fled long ago.
And the agricultural areas don't share the values of the urban, Democrat areas.

With that said, I think Mrs. and Foxpaws are both wrong.
Why don't we compare Cities to Suburbs Foxpaws?
Lets take a look at the flow of monies there shall we?

Let's take a look at Democrat vs Republican and see who receives more federal aid.

Let's take a look at the stimulus money by district

Second: On average, Democratic districts received one-and-a-half times as many awards as Republican ones. Democratic districts also received two-and-a-half times more stimulus dollars than Republican districts ($122,127,186,509 vs. $46,139,592,268). Republican districts also received smaller awards on average. (The average dollars awarded per Republican district is $260,675,663, while the average dollars awarded per Democratic district is $471,533,539.)

Heck, look by state vs blue state

Your socialist utopia sure needs alot more support than it generates. :rolleyes:
Just slightly under wash?! Reality is irrelevant to you isn't it.

How about we compare Texas to California? Especially when it comes the housing bubble, it's roots lie in liberal strongholds like California and New York.

Sure, lets compare Texas to California... (2008 the latest I can find...)

CA - 299,923,000,000
TX – 210,005,000,000

C - 318,083,114,000
T - 235,676,058,000

Both states receive less in Federal funds than they pay out, California is more of a 'wash' than Texas at about 94%, Texas is about at 90%

However, Texas is the only southern state that pays more in federal taxes than it receives in federal funds. So would it be a great loss to lose the south?

And of course Cal - I don't want the south to secede - but, you know, they are almost always the ones who bring it up first. Sometimes you just think - go ahead -

And would the rest of the country go hungry Foss - I think the midwest might have something to say about that, maybe California (huge agricultural state). And as far as livestock producing states-unless you are looking at broilers - the rest of the country has the south beat as well.

And I also believe that there are far more military bases outside the south, than there are inside the south.

And Foss, if we got rid of the south, there wouldn't be such a disparity concerning the tax burden in the 'blue' states. They could keep more of their money because they aren't funding the bible belt.;)

Monster - your first link doesn't work... and the second one doesn't have income in compared to income out - or per capita spending - got that somewhere - it is a more fair comparison.
And would the rest of the country go hungry Foss - I think the midwest might have something to say about that, maybe California (huge agricultural state). And as far as livestock producing states-unless you are looking at broilers - the rest of the country has the south beat as well.
California is in the midwest now?:rolleyes:
And I also believe that there are far more military bases outside the south, than there are inside the south.
So? What does that have to do with anything? Can a military base hold territory? No. You might want to bone up on military tactics before spouting off in your usual ignorance.
And Foss, if we got rid of the south, there wouldn't be such a disparity concerning the tax burden in the 'blue' states. They could keep more of their money because they aren't funding the bible belt.;)
"We?" Once again you demonstrate the divisiveness of your Democrat/Obama regime. So much for 'changing the tone' in Washington, eh? :rolleyes:

Monster - your first link doesn't work... and the second one doesn't have income in compared to income out - or per capita spending - got that somewhere - it is a more fair comparison.
Here's the link.
Foss, I will say I like your new sig photo - but it is from II isn't it - not quite the movie the first one was - one of the best ever...

Truth and Justice

Oh, California, as 'also' - left out that word.

I think the south would have quite the time holding territory - a lot of coastline. But, nope, I don't know a lot about military strategy...
Sure, lets compare Texas to California... (2008 the latest I can find...)

CA - 299,923,000,000
TX – 210,005,000,000

C - 318,083,114,000
T - 235,676,058,000

Both states receive less in Federal funds than they pay out, California is more of a 'wash' than Texas at about 94%, Texas is about at 90% are comparing expenditure estimates from one source (U.S. Census Bureau) with federal tax revenue data from a different source (the IRS)? It is exceedingly easy to end up comparing apples and oranges inadvertently in that comparison, unless you know what to look for and how to account for it.

Given your demonstrated lack of the knowledge necessary to insure that those stats are in fact compatible and empirically comparible as well as your proclivity to mislead, your conclusions based on those stats should be taken with a grain of salt. are comparing expenditure estimates from one source (U.S. Census Bureau) with federal tax revenue data from a different source (the IRS)? It is exceedingly easy to end up comparing apples and oranges inadvertently in that comparison, unless you know what to look for and how to account for it.

Given your demonstrated lack of the knowledge necessary to insure that those stats are in fact compatible and empirically comparible as well as your proclivity to mislead, your conclusions based on those stats should be taken with a grain of salt.

I give you leave to post your own figures from government sources shag ;)...

They ain't easy to find...
How cute- when did you put the communist's quote in your sig, foxpaws?
It's nice when you so openly support fellow travelers like that.

Maybe you can change your avatar to something like this next and just end this charade:
How cute- when did you put the communist's quote in your sig, foxpaws?
It's nice when you so openly support fellow travelers like that.

Maybe you can change your avatar to something like this next and just end this charade:

Its a great quote, no matter who said it... and actually I was going to use this photo... a friend of mine had seen an interview with a tea party member and they caught this rather candid 'accessory' shot...

No, I think the George Bernard Shaw is more appropriate for you.

Well, I liked Pygmalion... ;)

But not his politics.

However the photo I posted is a perfect fit to my Lewis quote... you got to admit that Cal.

And since we are on the subject of sigs... I have found yours interesting for a while - we are defined by the Constitution, and not the other way around? Isn't it...
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Its a great quote, no matter who said it... and actually I was going to use this photo... a friend of mine had seen an interview with a tea party member and they caught this rather candid 'accessory' shot...

It may be a "great quote", but it is also exceedingly inaccurate, if not intentionally misleading.

The reason fascism is so misunderstood is because of Stalin's use of it to demonize his political enemies. Orthodox socialists considered fascism (and national socialism) to be Marxist heresy. But, as much as your signature attempts to paint it as right wing, it is an ideology of the left.

I am a Socialist, and a very different kind of Socialist from your rich friend, Count Reventlow. ... What you understand by Socialism is nothing more than Marxism.
Adolf Hitler, spoken to Otto Strasser, Berlin, May 21, 1930.

We National Socialists [Nazi] are enemies, deadly enemies, of the present capitalist system with its exploitation of the economically weak ... and we are resolved under all circumstances to destroy this system.
-Gregor Strasser

[With Mussolini] Socialists should be delighted to find at last a socialist who speaks and thinks as responsible rulers do.
-George Bernard Shaw​

And then we have F.A. Hayek's work on this in The Road To Serfdom...
It is a common mistake to regard National Socialism [Nazism] as a mere revolt against reason, an irrational movement without intellectual background. If that were so, the movement would be much less dangerous than it is. But nothing could be further from the truth or more misleading. The doctrines of National Socialism are the culmination of a long evolution of thought, a process in which thinkers who have had great influence far beyond the confines of Germany have taken part. Whatever one may think of the premises from which they started, it cannot be denied that the men who produced the new doctrines were powerful writers who left the impress of their ideas on the whole of European thought. Their system was developed with ruthless consistency. Once one accepts the premises from which it starts, there is no escape from its logic. It is simply collectivism freed from all traces of an individualist tradition which might hamper its realization.


What, then, caused these views held by a reactionary minority finally to gain the support of the great majority of Germans and practically the whole of Germany's youth? It was not merely the defeat, the suffering, and the wave of nationalism which led to their success. Still less was the cause, as so many people wish to believe, a capitalist reaction against the advance of socialism. On the contrary, the support which brought these ideas to power came precisely from the socialist camp. It was certainly not through the bourgeoisie, but rather through the absence of a strong bourgeoisie, that they were helped to power.

... the socialists of the Left approached more and more to those of the Right. It was the union of the anticapitalist forces of the Right and of the Left, the fusion of radical and conservative socialism, which drove out from Germany everything that was liberal [in the classical sense].

The connection between socialism and nationalism in Germany was close from the beginning. It is significant that the most important ancestors of National Socialism—Fichte, Rodbertus, and Lassalle—are at the same time acknowledged fathers of socialism. .... From 1914 onward there arose from the ranks of Marxist socialism one teacher after another who led, not the conservatives and reactionaries, but the hard-working laborer and idealist youth into the National Socialist fold. It was only thereafter that the tide of nationalist socialism attained major importance and rapidly grew into the Hitlerian doctrine.
Me and mine plan on being on the side that will make this the land of the free once more. And not the overtaxed over governed land it has become. What would our founding fathers say about property tax? I'm just sayin. * set's back eats popcorn and watches this thread argue political BS.*
And since we are on the subject of sigs... I have found yours interesting for a while - we are defined by the Constitution, and not the other way around? Isn't it...

Our system of government and country is defined and outlined by the constitution.

The federal government gets it's authority from the states.
The states get their authority from the people.
The people get their freedom and rights from the creator.

And the constitution and the founding documents are what defines and differentiates America from the rest of the world... or they were, before people you support spent the last century undermining it.

And, to link what I said with what Shag just wrote:

YouTube- George Bernard Shaw and "the Humane Gas"
However the photo I posted is a perfect fit to my Lewis quote... you got to admit that Cal.
Hey lying hypocritical race baiter...

You're going to have to do better than a communist quote juxtaposed with a photo to prove that the Tea Parties are fascist.

In fact, the entire idea is just absurd. First the Tea Parties are racist, now they're fascist. Do your PHONY SMEARS ever stop?

Care to elaborate for us exactly, specifically why you are claiming that they are fascist? Or were you just taking a shot from the cheap seats and not prepared to back it up?

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