here is a car

if it was alittle tone down thats freaking cool, movie type cool, not something I would drive thou
Might not like it, but it's cool to see how custom you can actually make these cars. Even as outrageous as it is, it still looks pretty striking.

Try doing that with any other car. The Mark VIII is a great platform.
Definitely not my taste, garish in fact, but somebody loves that car and made it different that the rest.
Thats one mark that fell down the ugly tree and then the ugly tree got cut down by a lumber jack and then the tree landed on the mark and then after that the tree got turned into firewood and i used it to heat my house

There are some aspects of it I like. The rims are pretty nice. The smoked taillights and corner lights on a black car looks good. Maybe the grille would be OK if it were painted.
I do like the smoked lights, but it looks out of place with all the chrome. It also looks like it was pinstriped by the guy that striped my T/A.

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