Here is why Obama has to be removed from office...


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Let me break this down and simplify the issue over Barack Hussein Obama Jr's eligibility to be President of the United States and why he is not qualified and needs to be removed from office immediately.

Obama Sr. was a British subject. Obama even admits to this stipulation on the Fact-Check and Fight The Smears websites.
Obama Sr. was NEVER a U.S. citizen.

Therefore Obama Jr. was a British citizen at birth, thus not a natural born US citizen. You know the whole born in the USA to two American citizens. It's that pesky clause in the Constitution about what it takes to be eligible to be President of this Country.

Give this a thought...
Let's suppose Obama's daddy wasn't Sr. or even Davis. Let's suppose it was the notorious Osama Bin Laden. And let's suppose Osama was in Hawaii back in the day (let's say the year was 1960) and Osama managed to knock up Stanley Ann because she was really into towels. Would we want the spawn of Osama Bin Laden to become President of the United States? I mean, his mom birthed him here right? That's what all the media and lefties and sadly some conservatives (here) argue.

Here's the irony in all this. The reason the Constitution was amended was to avoid this possible situation. At the time, there is no way America wanted any British Citizen to become President of our new Country. But here we are, Obama, a British citizen is President of the United States. You probably think to yourself but Britain is our friend. Good thinking...but back when the Constitution was formed, Britain was our arch-enemy. Just think about that will you?

That's it. That's why the natural born citizen clause was put into the Constitution.

Just substitute Obama Sr for any other name. How about Saddam Hussein? Would we really want Hussein's son to be eligible for President simply because he knocked up an American girl and she had the baby here.

You guys say I'm the nuts one but I've got to tell you, I am the only one here that understands this issue and why it is relevant and why Obama must be removed (however unpleasant) from office.

The contributors to this forum need to wise up and start spreading the message. Keep the message simple. It is not about the birth certificate and where Obama was born. It is about who his daddy is and who controlled his citizenship at birth. Simple. Substitute any foreigner ( Osama, Hitler, Stalin, etc. ) for Barack Hussein Obama Sr.. It doesn't matter.

Obama is not a "natural born citizen".

Read this. This is the lawyers version of what I just explained, albeit, in more detail.
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no one will do anything about it cause everyone is vagina's. no one cares anymore and sadly it will be the start of the downfall of the greatest nation this world has ever seen.
R.I.P. America
July 4, 1776- January 20, 2009
Seriously, why would people reply? You're so convinced that you're the only one who's right that you don't appear able to listen to reason or hold a decent two-sided discussion.

OK, I'll buy you a clue.:)

Please do tell me where I am wrong regarding Obama's natural born citizen status?

Are you going to tell me that he is naturalized or a native son?

Please do tell me how a person is qualified to be President of the United States when his father was never a US citizen and the individual when born had at best dual-citizenship.

I would really love to hear ANYONE make a cogent argument of Obama's behalf besides tossing out the proverbial 'but Fight The Smears and Wack-Check says so'.

I am waiting and I will listen to your argument.

Here's your big opportunity to show me up.

I'm pretty sure you won't have the time to bother.:rolleyes:
...that you don't appear able to listen to reason or hold a decent two-sided discussion.

It's really that you people are sheeple that support the Messiah and you are not capable of a stream of consciousness that will allow to see the light, so go back to sleep.:(
I don't support the "messiah" never even voted for the :q:q:q. I'm just riding it out and once this economy sinks itself even deeper I'm out of here and going south to costa rica, or go to europe. That's the plan...cause America has f*cked over ppl like me long enough..bout time I get to sit back and watch it f*ck itself.

And here's a argument here...look at how f*cked our infrastructure is. most states are doomed!!!!
I think the constitutional issue is 100% valid and should be challenged.
The "birth certificate" issue, as it's being represented to the public, distracts from that very important issue.

The birth certificate is not about proving he was born in Hawaii. It's about establishing paternity. And it's the first step necessary for transparency.

This issue needs to be decided before he can stack the court with radicals who have contempt for the constitution.
Does this deserve to be a 'sticky'?
Yep. What do you think this is, a democracy? LOL. In my opinion, I think this is the most important subject facing this Country and justifies a sticky so more people are apt to stumble upon it and learn what the real issues are.

Not health care. Not Education. Not terrorists. Not the Economy.
This is it. Obama should produce the documents and let the chips fall where they may.

Here's an educated BLACK (I say black because the argument is that this all about racists bringing this issue up again and again) woman that says Obama needs to open up his records. JohnnyBz00LS, are you listening now?

Why Obama's birth certificate issue won't go away: Vanderbilt expert

The controversy over President Obama’s birth certificate will not go away as long as he refuses to release sealed records, including the original birth certificate, according to Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University.

“I believe that the president should end the speculation by being transparent about all aspects of his background,” Swain said. “In fact, it can be argued that the president belongs to the people and to scholars, biographers and others who are entitled to know every aspect of his past. Only great men can ascend to this height, and their lives should be examined and studied for the lessons they offer.”

Swain said that what is posted online for the president is a certificate of live birth. “It is the failure to release the long form that keeps suspicion alive,” she said. Swain noted that she strongly disagrees with those who want to criticize Americans, including journalist Lou Dobbs, who continue to raise the issue.

Other sealed records that Swain has called for the president to release include those pertaining to his education, foreign travel and state legislative business

Vanderbilt Prof .jpg
Does this deserve to be a 'sticky'?

I dont think so. But Bryan does, so it is.

Seriously, why would people reply? You're so convinced that you're the only one who's right that you don't appear able to listen to reason or hold a decent two-sided discussion.


I am waiting and I will listen to your argument.

Here's your big opportunity to show me up.

I'm pretty sure you won't have the time to bother.:rolleyes:

There is little to argue about really. He IS the President. There doesnt appear to be a mechanizm to remove him from office for what you and a few other allege.

Do you really think if there was any merit to your allegations that the RNC wouldnt have challenged his candidacy before the election? And, if they didnt, dont you think it makes the Republicans look inept and/or stupid for not challenging something that you seem to think is so rock solid?

My suggestion, drop the issue. All you do is make yourself look petty and spoiled. Hence it affects your credibility. The matter has been decided. The people voted for him and that is that. If this is the best thing you can come at Obama for then he must be doing a pretty good job.

In short, He's the Prez. Get over it. Isnt that what you told me about GW during the whole Florida vote thing?
I dont think so. But Bryan does, so it is.
Thank You. It's not like it will be a sticky for 10 years, much less 2 months.

There is little to argue about really. He IS the President. There doesnt appear to be a mechanizm to remove him from office for what you and a few other allege.
And showing us the Birth Certificate will add that process.

Do you really think if there was any merit to your allegations that the RNC wouldnt have challenged his candidacy before the election? And, if they didnt, dont you think it makes the Republicans look inept and/or stupid for not challenging something that you seem to think is so rock solid?
I don't trust either side. For what it is worth, I don't consider myself a Republican. There are stooges on both sides of the aisle.

My suggestion, drop the issue. All you do is make yourself look petty and spoiled. Hence it affects your credibility. The matter has been decided. The people voted for him and that is that. If this is the best thing you can come at Obama for then he must be doing a pretty good job.
This issue is gaining traction around the world. There is a concerted effort to confuse the issue and paint this as a 'Obama was born in Hawaii and therefore is a citizen'. For the average, under-informed American, that will be enough. However, as the world discusses the issue, my hope is the issue will finally focus on his citizenship. As I mentioned, if it was revealed that Obama was the son of Osama Bin Laden born to Stanley Ann Dunham, most of America would go crazy and try to remove even though he is President. I won't stand for the hypocrisy. The Constitution is our most sacred document. We move the line on this one, everything else falls by the wayside.

In short, He's the Prez. Get over it. Isnt that what you told me about GW during the whole Florida vote thing?
I have no problem with him being President. I am hopefully it is revealed that he is found to be a usurper and all legislation that he signed will be deemed null and void but I have no problem regarding him winning the election. The election result is not in dispute here and never has been. His refusal to be transparent, a point he based his candidacy on, is where I have the problem. And yes, his communist ties are the motivating factor for me.
As I said. He is the president already. You cant unring the bell. You cant impeach him as the constituton doesnt allow impeachement for what you allege. --- At the end of the day your arguing a point that cant be 'won'. No matter how many birth certificates are produced or not produced.

All your doing is trying to weaken a president when we need a strong president the most.
All your doing is trying to weaken a president when we need a strong president the most.
That never stopped you from ripping Bush whenever the mood suited you, no matter how irrational your logic. :rolleyes:

So when are you going to say the FIRST negative thing about the way Obama's handling...well, ANYTHING?

You defend him when it's indefensible.
fossten I gotta ask...why does bush deserve to be in that painting? I mean both bush's....what good did they do for the country?
fossten I gotta ask...why does bush deserve to be in that painting? I mean both bush's....what good did they do for the country?
What an absurd question. I wasn't aware that you had set some sort of arbitrary criteria for a president to be included in a painting.

You should contact the painter and demand that they be removed unless he comes up with a reason. :rolleyes:
All your doing is trying to weaken a president when we need a strong president the most.

Absolutely. I want our current President to be a 1st term lame-duck who gets nothing done. I want no new legislation. Don't trust any of it to fix any of our 'problems'.

I don't want our President to fail as a leader, I want him to fail as a politician. I want his policies to fail. I want his eligibility to be President to be declared void so we can undo the damage he has already done.

He can go golfing every other day. He can go on TV every day. As long as nothing gets done, he can run around as President as much as he wants.
Our president got elected by the "ohh, I make 35k a year, and I just bought a 150k house on a ARM" "I can make more money by having children and having no job, being on welfare", gullible idiots. I don't like him period. He's ugly, has no experience running anything, probably including a lemonade stand, and wants to take money away from working people and GIVE it to ILLEGAL ALIENS, sit at the house and smoke dope all day and collect food stamps and a check dopeheads, and irresponsible corporations and banks that probably needed to be done away with in the first place. The U.S. has begun a slide down a slippery slope and at the bottom is socialism. Mandatory innocculations are not very far away. Ok, I'll shut up now, I am getting mad :mad:
Let me break this down and simplify the issue over Barack Hussein Obama Jr's eligibility to be President of the United States and why he is not qualified and needs to be removed from office immediately.

Obama Sr. was a British subject. Obama even admits to this stipulation on the Fact-Check and Fight The Smears websites.
Obama Sr. was NEVER a U.S. citizen.

Therefore Obama Jr. was a British citizen at birth, thus not a natural born US citizen. You know the whole born in the USA to two American citizens. It's that pesky clause in the Constitution about what it takes to be eligible to be President of this Country.

Give this a thought...
Let's suppose Obama's daddy wasn't Sr. or even Davis. Let's suppose it was the notorious Osama Bin Laden. And let's suppose Osama was in Hawaii back in the day (let's say the year was 1960) and Osama managed to knock up Stanley Ann because she was really into towels. Would we want the spawn of Osama Bin Laden to become President of the United States? I mean, his mom birthed him here right? That's what all the media and lefties and sadly some conservatives (here) argue.

Here's the irony in all this. The reason the Constitution was amended was to avoid this possible situation. At the time, there is no way America wanted any British Citizen to become President of our new Country. But here we are, Obama, a British citizen is President of the United States. You probably think to yourself but Britain is our friend. Good thinking...but back when the Constitution was formed, Britain was our arch-enemy. Just think about that will you?

That's it. That's why the natural born citizen clause was put into the Constitution.

Just substitute Obama Sr for any other name. How about Saddam Hussein? Would we really want Hussein's son to be eligible for President simply because he knocked up an American girl and she had the baby here.

You guys say I'm the nuts one but I've got to tell you, I am the only one here that understands this issue and why it is relevant and why Obama must be removed (however unpleasant) from office.

The contributors to this forum need to wise up and start spreading the message. Keep the message simple. It is not about the birth certificate and where Obama was born. It is about who his daddy is and who controlled his citizenship at birth. Simple. Substitute any foreigner ( Osama, Hitler, Stalin, etc. ) for Barack Hussein Obama Sr.. It doesn't matter.

Obama is not a "natural born citizen".

Read this. This is the lawyers version of what I just explained, albeit, in more detail.


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