Dedicated LVC Member
Let me break this down and simplify the issue over Barack Hussein Obama Jr's eligibility to be President of the United States and why he is not qualified and needs to be removed from office immediately.
Obama Sr. was a British subject. Obama even admits to this stipulation on the Fact-Check and Fight The Smears websites.
Obama Sr. was NEVER a U.S. citizen.
Therefore Obama Jr. was a British citizen at birth, thus not a natural born US citizen. You know the whole born in the USA to two American citizens. It's that pesky clause in the Constitution about what it takes to be eligible to be President of this Country.
Give this a thought...
Let's suppose Obama's daddy wasn't Sr. or even Davis. Let's suppose it was the notorious Osama Bin Laden. And let's suppose Osama was in Hawaii back in the day (let's say the year was 1960) and Osama managed to knock up Stanley Ann because she was really into towels. Would we want the spawn of Osama Bin Laden to become President of the United States? I mean, his mom birthed him here right? That's what all the media and lefties and sadly some conservatives (here) argue.
Here's the irony in all this. The reason the Constitution was amended was to avoid this possible situation. At the time, there is no way America wanted any British Citizen to become President of our new Country. But here we are, Obama, a British citizen is President of the United States. You probably think to yourself but Britain is our friend. Good thinking...but back when the Constitution was formed, Britain was our arch-enemy. Just think about that will you?
That's it. That's why the natural born citizen clause was put into the Constitution.
Just substitute Obama Sr for any other name. How about Saddam Hussein? Would we really want Hussein's son to be eligible for President simply because he knocked up an American girl and she had the baby here.
You guys say I'm the nuts one but I've got to tell you, I am the only one here that understands this issue and why it is relevant and why Obama must be removed (however unpleasant) from office.
The contributors to this forum need to wise up and start spreading the message. Keep the message simple. It is not about the birth certificate and where Obama was born. It is about who his daddy is and who controlled his citizenship at birth. Simple. Substitute any foreigner ( Osama, Hitler, Stalin, etc. ) for Barack Hussein Obama Sr.. It doesn't matter.
Obama is not a "natural born citizen".
Read this. This is the lawyers version of what I just explained, albeit, in more detail.
Obama Sr. was a British subject. Obama even admits to this stipulation on the Fact-Check and Fight The Smears websites.
Obama Sr. was NEVER a U.S. citizen.
Therefore Obama Jr. was a British citizen at birth, thus not a natural born US citizen. You know the whole born in the USA to two American citizens. It's that pesky clause in the Constitution about what it takes to be eligible to be President of this Country.
Give this a thought...
Let's suppose Obama's daddy wasn't Sr. or even Davis. Let's suppose it was the notorious Osama Bin Laden. And let's suppose Osama was in Hawaii back in the day (let's say the year was 1960) and Osama managed to knock up Stanley Ann because she was really into towels. Would we want the spawn of Osama Bin Laden to become President of the United States? I mean, his mom birthed him here right? That's what all the media and lefties and sadly some conservatives (here) argue.
Here's the irony in all this. The reason the Constitution was amended was to avoid this possible situation. At the time, there is no way America wanted any British Citizen to become President of our new Country. But here we are, Obama, a British citizen is President of the United States. You probably think to yourself but Britain is our friend. Good thinking...but back when the Constitution was formed, Britain was our arch-enemy. Just think about that will you?
That's it. That's why the natural born citizen clause was put into the Constitution.
Just substitute Obama Sr for any other name. How about Saddam Hussein? Would we really want Hussein's son to be eligible for President simply because he knocked up an American girl and she had the baby here.
You guys say I'm the nuts one but I've got to tell you, I am the only one here that understands this issue and why it is relevant and why Obama must be removed (however unpleasant) from office.
The contributors to this forum need to wise up and start spreading the message. Keep the message simple. It is not about the birth certificate and where Obama was born. It is about who his daddy is and who controlled his citizenship at birth. Simple. Substitute any foreigner ( Osama, Hitler, Stalin, etc. ) for Barack Hussein Obama Sr.. It doesn't matter.
Obama is not a "natural born citizen".
Read this. This is the lawyers version of what I just explained, albeit, in more detail.
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