Here is your chance to give input on my engine.


Dmaup's Daddy
Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
Hey guys,

If you have'nt seen the progress on my 95's engine you need to look at my thread with the attachments to be able to participate.

I am kind of torn on what I should do with the color combination on the engine. Not only do the red wires look "off" to me, but the combination of the alternator and the water tube being the body color seem too much for me. I have an aluminum intake tube comming to replace the black rubber piece so it's finish is up for grabs also.

So, now I put you guys to the test. What should I do with the color combo on my car? Place the color you want next to the corresponding number in your message body. I'll put my idea for an example.

1. Spark plug covers : Body color
2. Plug wires: 10.5 MM Taylor Gloss black
3. Water tube: Body color
4: Alt: powdercoated silver (like the rest of the engine)
5: New intake tube: Powdercoated silver

Thats about it guys, let me know what you think.


1. bodycolor
2 .black
3. powdercoat silver
4. powdercoat silver
5. powdercoat silver

May I also suggest you powdercoat silver the throttlebody, I think that combo would look very nice.
I agree with klutch 100%. The wires don't look off in the picture, but maybe in real person they do.
I don't have any real input about which colors should used, but I think the motor looks HOT... Nice choice of color, is that the color being used on the exterior also? It's HOTTTT!

Also what else did you do to the motor while the engine was out? Any upgrades?

I hate looking at all these Marks getting modified as my broke ass has the car sitting in the garage with a million of things to get done on it... :(

I NEED Cash and with I had one of you guys nearby for help on the upgrades. I hate having to bring it to the shop all the time.
1. Spark plug covers : Body color
2. Plug wires: 10.5 MM Taylor Gloss black
3. Water tube: Body color
4: Alt: powdercoated silver (like the rest of the engine)
5: New intake tube: Powdercoated silver

Your plan sounds perfect to me... If anything I definitley wouldn't make the alternator and water tube the same color...

Looks good!
1. Spark plug covers : Body color
2. Plug wires: 10.5 MM Taylor BLUE
3. Water tube: Body color
4: Alt: powdercoated silver (like the rest of the engine)
5: New intake tube: Powdercoated silver
What we all really need right now is for you to get that dang thing finished and post some vid of the car peeling out, with some under the hood revving to spice it up!!!
:GotPics: :yourock: :steering :headbang:
welp, I have my extra water tube, and alternator case at the powdercoaters. Should be done mid next week. Too bad my friggin intake tube is'nt here yet.



Edit.... is the only video I have of the car while running. It was the opening day at our local 1/8 mile track, and I had nothing but a pair of SKINNY tires to run with. (I had some fun in the burnout box.)

18MB, so dial up users beware.


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