Here's a copy of the new Democrat lies they want to hoist upon us.

bufordtpisser said:
Tell me that your avatar picture of the devil does not look very much like Hillary Clinton. Very uncanny resemblence.

It's kinda scary. I can't look at it for very long -- it makes my skin crawl.
The Dem Recess Packet; A Map Of Dems' Midterm Political Strategy
Mon Mar 20 2006 08:07:38 ET

THE DRUDGE REPORT has obtained a copy of the "game plan" devised by the office of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) office for Democrat Senators with political tips on how to use the war in Iraq against the Bush administration in their home states over recess break.

The Reid recess packet, "Real Security: Recess Events 3/18 to 3/26" was originally reported on in the WASHINGTON TIMES on Saturday.

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The recess packet offers tips such as using American flags, holding political events at veteran halls. Dems should conduct panels to discuss the "mental health crisis" Iraq vets face, visit military bases, tour a factory and visit the home of a family who purchased body armor with their own money.


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