He's Gotta Go!!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 23, 2004
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High Bridge, NJ
Talking Points on Downing Street Minutes
The Downing Street Minutes and related documents (all available at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org ) provide new and compelling evidence that President Bush, by the summer of 2002:
1. secretly decided to go to war;
2. decided to deceive and mislead the Congress and the American people with false claims about both weapons of mass destruction and ties between Saddam Hussein and 9-11;
3. secretly diverted $700 million from the War in Afghanistan and started bombing Iraq to provoke a war;
4. agreed to go to the UN only to "legalize" an illegal invasion - and then walked out of the U.N. when inspections
Items 2 and 3 are both impeachable offenses. The Bush Administration's conspiracy to deceive Congress culminated in a fraudulent letter to Congress on March 18, 2003, claiming continued U.N. inspections would endanger the national security of the United States. http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/611
This fraud violated the federal anti-conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, which makes it a felony "to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose..."; and The False Statements Accountability Act of 1996, 18 U.S.C. § 1001, which makes it a felony to issue knowingly and willfully false statements to the United States Congress.
President Bush did not declare war until March 2003. Congress did not authorize military action until October 11, 2002. But Bush began an air war six weeks before that authorization and increased "spikes of activity" five months before. This
means that additional communications to Congress from the President, claiming that he had not yet begun the war, may be felonious, and that Bush violated the Constitutional requirement that Congress authorize any war.
These criminal actions constitute High Crimes under Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution: "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
A June 23-26, 2005, ABC/Washington Post poll found 52 percent of Americans believe the Bush administration "deliberately misled the public before the war," a nine-point increase in three months. And 57 percent say the Bush administration "intentionally exaggerated its evidence that pre-war Iraq possessed nuclear, chemical or biological
weapons." http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/549 A June 27-29, 2005, Zogby poll found 42 percent of Americans say that "if it is found that President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq, Congress should hold him accountable through impeachment." According to Zogby, in Eastern and Western states
supporters of impeachment outnumber opponents. http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/592 The 42 percent above is significantly higher than the 27 percent of Americans who favored impeachment of President Clinton before impeachment proceedings began in 1998. http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/610
Please introduce or support a Resolution of Inquiry into possible grounds for impeachment of the President for lying to Congress to start the war in Iraq.
Please co-sponsor the Resolution of Inquiry by Congresswoman Barbara Lee, which calls on the Bush administration to provide information about to the Downing Street memo and other discussions related to intelligence and pre-war planning.
Please contact Congressman John Conyers' office and support his work on this issue.
Please hold a town hall event in your district on July 23rd: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/526
Please urge the House of Representatives to pass a Resolution of Inquiry into possible grounds for impeachment of the President for lying to Congress to start the war in Iraq.
Please support the 10 Senators who on June 22 wrote to the Intelligence Committee asking it to examine White House misuse of pre-war intelligence. http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/515
Please hold a town hall event in your district on July 23rd: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/526
Get a life lefties.

You can just hear the schrill!
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Didn't know that the repug/right believed that the laws of this country only apply to everyone else but them. Clinton got impeached for a bj, what Shrub has done will have far greater consequences (all bad) for this country for years to come. He broke the law, he deserves to be impeached at a minimum. I think he deserves prison and that's being generous! IMPEACH THE MONKEY BOY!!!
I can't wait to rub Bryan's nose in it.

"Worst President Ever"
Well, im as anti bush as anyone, but I dont see grounds for impeachment
barry2952 said:
I can't wait to rub Bryan's nose in it.

"Worst President Ever"
I think you need to get back to pandering for money for MoveOn.dorks. Right now you're just spinning your wheels.
We'll see. I pedict he'll be gone by the end of his 7th year. He'll probably resign in disgrace like Nixon.
Well, 97silverlsc, as a matter of FACT, Clinton was impeached because he committed perjury. Until you can open your eyes to see that truth, you can speak no other truth.
re-Markable LSC said:
Well, 97silverlsc, as a matter of FACT, Clinton was impeached because he committed perjury. Until you can open your eyes to see that truth, you can speak no other truth.

I can accept it with no problem, he was no hero of mine. Fact remains, evidence appears to show that Shrub broke the law and deserves to be impeached.

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! This Bush guy is good!!!!!!!!!!! sounds like a CIA operative or something, with hypnotic powers. I'm glad he's on our side, If he was PM of Canada we'd be speaking French by now!

GROW UP, there is no way he could have done all this without help from many sectors, including Democrats and other usefull idiots, and they have obviously pulled the wool over your eyes, as well as those of others to opinionated to see the smoke and mirrors in action.

Stop wasting your time, old Georgie can't run for prez again so put your time and money into constructive channels so we have better choices next election because I can bank on just about anyone running against Hillary getting a majority of the vote, and I mean just about anyone.
mach8 said:
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! This Bush guy is good!!!!!!!!!!!

No he isn't. He's an idiot, just like the idiots he appointed or left in place when he took over. The buck stops with him but he, like so many on this site, only want to deflect blame onto Clinton and others. How sad.
barry2952 said:
... just like the idiots he appointed or left in place when he took over. The buck stops with him but he, like so many on this site, only want to deflect blame onto Clinton and others..

So now Clinton's Presidency was rife with idiots and Bush was an idiot because he didn't fire all the Clinton idiots and then Bush went on to put more idiots in his administration and then blames Clinton for all the problems the idiots are causing.

What can one say to all that Barry?

Let us hear your plan to save the world from aids.
Let us hear your plan to rid the world of WMD.
Let us hear your plan to save Social Security and stop the government's stealing of my children's future.

And please grace us with your selection of the next President of the United States.

barry2952 said:
Yes, your post was.
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barry2952 said:
No he isn't. He's an idiot, just like the idiots he appointed or left in place when he took over. The buck stops with him but he, like so many on this site, only want to deflect blame onto Clinton and others. How sad.

So everyone who doesn't toe your line is an idiot? Politicians have a history of being anally leagal? The Supreme court doesn't even follow the law, the Constitution, or common sense all the time.

How could an idiot cheerleader frat boy accomplish everything he's accused of?

So, either he's not as dumb as some people would like to make him out as, or he's just fronting for some hidden cabal. You can't have it both ways.

As for "deflecting" blame to Clinton, only a real ignoramus would argue any president doesn't have to start with leftovers from the previous administration. Please note any "idiots he left in place" were put in place by "my willie comes first" Clinton and his ship of fools. Heck, look at all the junk we're still dealing with from ol' Jimmy Carter who let the militant islamic cat out of the bag by sitting on his ass when the Shah of Iran went down and the results of Nixon "opening the doors to China".

Time to get out into the real world and help us find a real gem to run for president.
LOL, we have named about 15 years of presidents that are idiots, LOL!!!

Seriously though, when do you stop blaming past administrations leftovers and start making some accountability for the now. The president that has a terrible following of associates now. Why wait five years and then just call him an idiot that ruined the county. The reason the presidency is so important because the president represents those idiots that work under him and is accountable for them. I say quit blaming the past admistration and hold captin idiot responsible, after all he is the one who is steering the ship into the iceberg. (titanic metaphor?)
For better or worse the President is not the all powerfull captain of the USS America and is subject to many forces that need to be balanced. One of these is public opinion which is often contrary to what is best in the long run.
Be any President idiot or worse the Congress is often the source of Americans problems, the President the fall guy for career politicians working in back rooms wheeling and dealing for their own ends.
Liberals whine about Bush, painting him as a radical conservative, display their total ignorance by comparing him to facist, yet ignore the fact he's far more liberal than the most popular Democratic president in most Americans lifetime, JFK.
I think Bush has been one of our best Presidents and has managed one of the best Cabinets (and certainly the most diverse) ever.
I'm still waiting to be educated as to BuSh being more Liberal than JFK.

Best President? I think I'm going to puke.
I'm still waiting for Mach8 to educate me as to why he thinks that GWB is more Liberal than JFK. :bsflag:
Well, I finally have time to sit in front of my computer again.

Due to lack of space here I'm not going to get too detailed, but there is plenty of info R.E. JFK if you want to delve deeply into the late '50s early '60s.

Like George B., JFK was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, in JFK's case thanks to Joe Kennedy's criminal activities. Who knows the real details on where the Bush bucks originated? Anyways it's important to look at what these two presidents did (are doing), not what they, and others, spin their images into. JFK was a person who was a civil moderate, a fiscal conservative, and a nationalist.

Geoge Bush on the other hand is a fiscal liberal (look at his record!), an internationalist, and has pushed many liberal civil issues, which if they had been presented by a Democrat, would have raised howls of protest from "conservatives".

One of the leading causes of George B's fall in the poll is the realization by true conservatives, who helped elect him, that he's a republican in name only, unconcerned with the national interest of the U.S. and it's citizens.

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