

Active LVC Member
Mar 7, 2005
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Today my Mark VIII started to hesitate or stumble during acceleration, I have some ideas on what the cause mite be but before I go forward with what I think, I will like some input, you input will be deeply appreciated.

my mark VIII hesitates really bad. ever since I bought it. Changed plugs, wires, fuel filter, O2 sensors, tried seafoam. I'm not sure what it is. It sucks! I'd like some more options on what to change, thanks. :Bang
meangy9 said:
my mark VIII hesitates really bad. ever since I bought it. Changed plugs, wires, fuel filter, O2 sensors, tried seafoam. I'm not sure what it is. It sucks! I'd like some more options on what to change, thanks. :Bang

Check your fuel pressure.
mine was doing that and it ended up being the seal around the throttle body from the air intake
it was stretched out and not sealing at all ,i cut it a little shorter and clamped it on with a hose clamp
meangy9 said:
my mark VIII hesitates really bad. ever since I bought it. Changed plugs, wires, fuel filter, O2 sensors, tried seafoam. I'm not sure what it is. It sucks! I'd like some more options on what to change, thanks. :Bang

It's your TORQUE CONVERTER. I have the exact same problem. Happens when you get over 35 mph, right? Jerks a lot? Only when you accel in high gear?
It happens when I'm going slow. I'll press on the gas lightly and I watch the rpm's go up and down and I hear/feel the car jerking a little bit...trying to go faster. Now when I start it in the morning, I put the car in drive and step on the gas lightly and the car almost stalls. But after I drive the car for 10 seconds it goes away.
meangy9 said:
It happens when I'm going slow. I'll press on the gas lightly and I watch the rpm's go up and down and I hear/feel the car jerking a little bit...trying to go faster. Now when I start it in the morning, I put the car in drive and step on the gas lightly and the car almost stalls. But after I drive the car for 10 seconds it goes away.

That might be your throttle control sensor. It ONLY happens when you first start driving?
i have a similar problem i think... if im driving.... 45 mph or higher, and i press hard on the gas, it accelerates slowly. i have to REALLY put my foot into it to pop the RPMs up and to get it to respond.
My car does it sometimes too.... usually when I start it, and when I just come off the highway or if I'm just gettin done drivin like an idiot. When I start it, the idle is really rough and almost stalls if I push the gas lightly, and sputters during acceleration. Fuel pressure is fine, and I'm doing O2's very soon.... see if that does the trick.
I had a few ideas on what the cause might be, until my mark started to idle rough every 10 to 15 second and then the check engine light came on, so I took my mark to AutoZone and have them pull the code, I was told my number 1 cylinder is miss firing, and he told me it could be my plug or the plug wire
Where can I get some good plugs and plug wires, nothing to expensive, my girl friend is in a tight spot and I can't spend too much money now.
Rope said:
Where can I get some good plugs and plug wires, nothing to expensive, my girl friend is in a tight spot and I can't spend too much money now.
the wires are 90.00 at AutoZone lifetime warranty,cheapest around and the lifetime warranty can't be beat.Get autolite plugs at Wal-Mart .96 cents each.
Today I went to AutoZone bought new plug and wires, put them in and now my mark runs like a charm, I couldn't ask for anything more, but there was one slight problem, in the chamber of the number five spark plug, there was oil, maybe about a table spoon full ( more or less) anyway pull the old plugs put the new plugs in start my mark and there was a bit of blue white smoke came out the tail pipe. Could this be a problem later, say like 1 year or 1 year and a half from now, this particular car I don't know much about the engine, on how the way it setup, any insights

JC1994 said:
Valve cover gaskets need replaced.

It is not actually the valve cover gasket. What it is is there are little cups that seal at the bottom of each of the valleys for the spark plug. Those are leaking, not the actual valve cover gasket itself. IF the gasket was leaking you would know it. Oil would be all over the place and you would be sending smoke signals to everyone behind you.....trust me, I know.....LOL. :Beer
1wykdmk8 said:
It is not actually the valve cover gasket. What it is is there are little cups that seal at the bottom of each of the valleys for the spark plug. Those are leaking, not the actual valve cover gasket itself. IF the gasket was leaking you would know it. Oil would be all over the place and you would be sending smoke signals to everyone behind you.....trust me, I know.....LOL. :Beer
Oh, OK. Thanks for clearing that up! :Beer
1wykdmk8 said:
It is not actually the valve cover gasket. What it is is there are little cups that seal at the bottom of each of the valleys for the spark plug. Those are leaking, not the actual valve cover gasket itself. IF the gasket was leaking you would know it. Oil would be all over the place and you would be sending smoke signals to everyone behind you.....trust me, I know.....LOL. :Beer

So is it something that is serious?
rmac694203 said:
So is it something that is serious?

Any oil there is not good, but unless you have alot of oil it is not too serious......unless the boots have oil on them. If the boots have oil on them then it might not be too good because it could cause a fire if the boots get deteriorated and cause a spark to jump to the oil. I would recommend getting it fixed.
1wykdmk8 said:
Any oil there is not good, but unless you have alot of oil it is not too serious......unless the boots have oil on them. If the boots have oil on them then it might not be too good because it could cause a fire if the boots get deteriorated and cause a spark to jump to the oil. I would recommend getting it fixed.

Is this a problem I can fix my self or do I have to take it to the shop, what I really mean is that do I need any special tool to do this job, I may have the first two weeks off in August and I might do it then.
With all the information I get from this site one will be lost

Just in case I didn't say it before.
I'm thanking all of you for the great information that is put fourth.
so what can I do to support this site, becoming a gold member is one way am I right.

Rope said:
Is this a problem I can fix my self or do I have to take it to the shop, what I really mean is that do I need any special tool to do this job, I may have the first two weeks off in August and I might do it then.
With all the information I get from this site one will be lost

Just in case I didn't say it before.
I'm thanking all of you for the great information that is put fourth.
so what can I do to support this site, becoming a gold member is one way am I right.

Anytime!,And Thank You for your info.This site is TOTALLY worth 30.00 dollars a year!!! More people need to go GOLD!!! The info that is available is well worth it. I wish this site existed when I first got my Mark. I could have saved alot of money buying from these vendors instead of other places that offer no discounts. LVC and LMS 'KIN RULE!!!!
Well, I finally went to the Zone and had the codes pulled. It's my O2 sensor. I'm going to replace it and see, after I do the Seafoam treatment. May not be the torque converter, after all.

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