Hey Dereck here's one for you... Let's go Hunting..


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Here a good one for you... What do you think Dereck... get's the blood pumping...

Hi Rich

He sure is a big 'un, kinda dwarfs the 45lb Roe Doe I had at the weekend.

I notice he isn't field dressed, do you not gralloch the deer straight after you shoot it?

I believe your hunting season is November, how about petitoning the state for a special licence to hunt in July so we can go and have some fun :)


Although huge.......That would be the nastiest smelling/tasting deer you've ever processed. This is my older brother, and the deer he bagged last season. Ended up caping it, and throwing the rest in a ditch.

If you wanna eat deer, kill a doe thats half way young.

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Dereck said:
Hi Rich

He sure is a big 'un, kinda dwarfs the 45lb Roe Doe I had at the weekend.

I notice he isn't field dressed, do you not gralloch the deer straight after you shoot it?

I believe your hunting season is November, how about petitoning the state for a special licence to hunt in July so we can go and have some fun :)



Usually we gut then let them hang for a day or two depending upon the temp.

That was an Ohio deer not Wisconsin.. our white tails average between 100 to 200 lbs..

Well we are in a CWD (Chronic Waist Disease) area and they have an eradication zone close.. Maybe they'd let you kill a few. According to the Department of Natural Resources, you don't have to worry about eating these deer unless you are eating their brains or spinal cord.

White tail are very good tasting deer.. I didn't go on the hunt this year but Danny Kiker (our host for the BBQ) did and I should have some Wisconsin venison for you to try.

Can't wait to meet you Dereck...
94m5 said:
Although huge.......That would be the nastiest smelling/tasting deer you've ever processed. This is my older brother, and the deer he bagged last season. Ended up caping it, and throwing the rest in a ditch.

If you wanna eat deer, kill a doe thats half way young.


Oh I agree... the best deer are young doe... But testosterone interfers with a the Male ego..

For me... I always take the first one whether it's big or small... and I love eating the small ones... I could careless about the horns... Can't eat them.

Danny's got 3 deer this year 2 nice young ones.. Can't wait to try them out.
Hi Rich

I sneaked off from work early this afternoon and bagged myself this Roe Doe, she weighed in at 43lbs field dressed which is a good size for a Roe Doe.


Happy hunting

A few years ago I took a young very young white tail about that size.. Made for easy dragging...

I got a lot of laughs when I registered it but it sure ate good, and eating is what in my opinion hunting is about... good eats...
"good eats" Amen!

I work w/ 5 "Great White Hunters." They bring in alot of good stuff to share with the rest of us.

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