Hey Mark VIII owners!


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Not the most exciting thread but..

For those who don't go to LvC meets it always seem to be the Mark VIII owners who attend with an occasional TC, Conti, LS, and the very rare Cadillac.

But Calabrio post about LS's members taking over Mark VIII owners has sparked a friendly connection between the two Forums.

In order to grow our meets we need to unite the owners and cars.

In the LS thread there is this thread running right now and it's pretty civil with no one bashing either car, just friendly talk about the Pros of each. I suggest join in and lets get these guys to the meets. Most are dying for mod tips and fustrated that they don't have much after market. Most post are about bling bling items... or fustration that their cars broke down. Maybe they need some Mark VIII Muscle and support.

Let's show them why the Mark VIII members come to meets and are having lots of fun with their cars. (Well except Mr. Wilson who's selling his once again LOL). Just friendly fun Mr. Wilson... Just friendly fun...:cool:
The link

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