Hickenlooper accuses rural Coloradans of “backward thinking"


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Apr 24, 2005
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Sorry, I couldn't link the video from work. But use this link and you can go to HotAir.com and watch it.

Video: Hickenlooper accuses rural Coloradans of “backward thinking”, ties them to Shephard murder

posted at 11:14 am on October 22, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

Nothing says “sophisticate” quite like running down the rubes who live in the sticks, does it? After all, Barack Obama got elected after calling rural voters people “bitter” and who only “cling to guns or religion” through ignorance and fear. Via Mary Katharine Ham, John Hickenlooper offers an Obama-esque assessment of the rural and exurban voters in Colorado and assigns to them the same motivations that played into the murder of Matthew Shephard in Wyoming. The money quote occurs at about the two-minute mark in this interview (entire transcript here):
Hickenlooper: I think a couple things, I mean, you know, the tragic death of Matthew Shepard occurred in Wyoming. Colorado and Wyoming are very similar. We have some of the same, you know, backwards thinking in the kind of rural Western areas you see in, you know, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico.

Lane: We’re neighbors.

Hickenlooper: Right. And in a sense we’re all a community. And, at the same time, Denver has, I think, one of the more robust, politically active gay and lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities, really in the United States.
So a significant number of voters in rural areas suffer from “backwards thinking,” and Denver is the height of enlightenment? The voters in the “rural Western” areas of Hickenlooper’s state may find that rather surprising. They also may not appreciate a candidate for governor associating them with the hatred that resulted in the murder of Shephard. Not only is that in itself a form of bigotry, but it’s nonsensical, since the murder didn’t take place in Colorado at all.
Still, it’s good to finally know what Hickenlooper thinks of Coloradans who live outside the borders of Denver now, rather than discover it after the election.
There's almost no opportunity in rural america and all the ambitious and bright people leave for the urban centers.
I see this when we visit the wife's extended family and when we used to go hunt rust free body parts in rural Tennessee and Kentucky.
He's comparing rural people to murderers.

He is being a demagogue.
The people who live in rural areas are more likely to hold "traditional" views
on homosexuality along with their guns and religion.
Religion itself is not friendly towards homosexuality.
He can't just call them hicks so he says they're backwards.

This is a cheap shot with a cynical grain of truth.

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