Hillary donates her own money to Pakistan flood victims


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Hillary Clinton texts a $10 donation to Pakistan flood relief

By Christina Wilkie - 08/04/10 06:15 PM ET

Talk about putting your money where your mouth is. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton texted a $10 donation to flood relief efforts in Pakistan on Wednesday, saying she is leading by example and pressing Americans to donate money.

“I just texted a contribution myself, because we know from our own experience, particularly in Haiti, small donations can add up to make a big difference,” Clinton told reporters.

“Americans have always shown great generosity to people facing crises worldwide. So I urge Americans to join this effort and send some much-needed help to the people of Pakistan.”

Clinton urged people to text the word “SWAT” to the number 50555, and reply “yes” when asked to confirm, in order to make a $10 donation to help the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.

The money will be put toward providing tents, clothing, food, clean drinking water and medicine to the more than 3 million people affected by the massive flooding in the Swat Valley, Clinton said.
thats all shes got left after that wedding LOL...

its $10 more than I am going to give!!!
F that, I am not giving sh!t, nobody gave me shi!t while I was growing up broke. My cell phone bill was $200 this month, who wants to donate to help my rebuild what little savings I had.
I was actually thinking of donating some of the flood waters my lincoln was sitting in to the Pakistani flood victims. No more of that low quality middle eastern flood water, we got some high quality American flood water. It is Lincoln Continental flavored even.


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