Hit a bump now "Check Advancetrac"


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 10, 2005
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West Palm Beeyotch
In the middle of a local backwoods highway here, on my way home from work they have a set of traintracks with a rough little jolt when you hit them. I used to hit them with my lowered truck going 70 it's not that bad. Well the past couple weeks, I'm driving down this road on my way home in the ls, and I have the cruise set around 85-90, well last night I was cruising along, and I missed the smooth spot and hit the rough spot, (it was like hitting a small speedbump going 80) the beeper behind the dash went off, the little yellow traction indicator in the middle of the cluster came on solid, and the message center said check advancetrac. I hit clear for the message center and it went away, but the little yellow warning light stayed on for the rest of the way home. (about a half hour)

When I was pulling up to my driveway (dirtroad) I stopped, shut the car off, and started it back off, everything was back to normal and the indicator shut off. I stomped on it in the dirt, and the traction control kicked in and worked fine. Whats the deal, what could the bump have caused ?
I Had That Problem And The Only Thing That It Was. Was A Wire On The Back Right Wheel. It Got Split Some How Its In A Tube Two Wires I Think. Check That
This is worth checking since it is easy and free to check and cheap to fix, if this is your problem...

Check your brake fluid. Maybe, just maybe, you are low on fluid. I had a similar problem a few weeks back. The check advancetrak light started coming on and staying on, usually after hitting a good bump or rough road. The problem is intermittant at first and the light will turn off after you stop. But as time goes on the light comes on more often.

Hitting railroad tracks at 90mph is not the best idea in the world, it can damage a lot of stuff or throw you off the road, but I assume you know this and just goofed that time.

My guess on the Accutrak triggering on low brake fluid is that the fluid is just high enough most of the time not to set the sensor off, but a good bounce or rough road will cause the sensor to "jiggle" enough to set a code.

In anycase, I fixed my "check Accutrak" message by just adding several ounces of brake fluid. My net cost was maybe 5 minutes of time and some fluid from my 1/2 gallon hoard.

Good Luck,

Jim Henderson
I havent seen the light again since. It's a really decent set of tracks, you wouldnt understand if you havent seen it. Speed limit is 65mph, and it's really smooth (usually dont feel it) when you hit them, but there is a rough spot where there is like a pot hole before the tracks, I'm usually good about missing it, but I hit it last night, nice little jolt. Light hasnt been back on yet
I've gotten the Check advance track message after going a slight bump going about 70. turned the car off and back on and it dissapeared.
-maybe the computer can't compensate at that fast of speed when a tire goes airborn. ???
There seems to be several little intermittent issues with the computer that are fixed when the engine is turned off & then restarted. I view it just like re-booting a computer, If the problem light does not return, I chalk it up to a glitch that is cleared when the computer is re-booted.

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