Holiday Humor!!! :)


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
A Twisted Thought -

Not to show how twisted I can be but!

I've always wanted to find a road kill rabbit on Easter Sunday and put an Easter Basket along side it with crushed Colored Eggs by it.

Anyone else have any twisted morbid thoughts! :slam

mespock said:
:Bang awww... someone stole my idea...

I guess I'm not the only one with a twisted mind! :Beer

When I was a kid, my grandfather (paternal) would get inebriated after Easter Mass and stew a cleaned rabbit carcass(with head attached) and declare to all us kids" iMira Chavalitos! Loo-ookee here-a, I gots de Ether boh-nee an' I'm gonna eat heem ohp!" *(Look Children, I have the Easter Bunny, and I am going to eat him.) and the old fart would start chowing down on this carcass in front of all us kids, telling us along the way how he caught him and took care of him, so we'd never get any candies from him ever again, since "we were all so bad over the year". You wanna talk twisted?!? ;) :Beer
What a guy :Beer

I had a friend who's Grandfather owned a Bar. One Christmas he painted the nose of one of the Deer heads Red and told his grandchildren that he shot Rudolph.

Got to love the sick humor!! Bring back Monty Python!!
mespock said:
What a guy :Beer

Got to love the sick humor!! Bring back Monty Python!!

AMEN!!!!!! Especially the "Peckenpah " skit where everyone gets shot up!
Gotta love the Brits and their awesome sense of humor! "Black" Humor Rules!

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