HOLY F how safe were these lmao!


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Palm Harbor FL
so i had my truck on jackstands today, took the wheels off because i was thinking of trading a guy tonight for stockers and skinnier tires, after he got to my shop i did not want the wheels he had, they were not what he said and the tires were useless. so he left, and i was bored and got on my creeper and started poking around under the truck from front to back, everything was good until i got to the rear and saw this shyt, WOW holy accident waiting to happen batman:



this is from the previous owner putting his boat in the gulf of mexico so often, my god!! the best part was i only noticed a problem because one u-bolt on each side was already snapped. so since i was in there to replace the u=bolts i tossed a 1 inch block in too so i could level the truck out, 1 inch doesnt sound like much till you see it sitting on the ground, i'll get some pics this weekend. thank god i looked!!
haly sh!t thank god you found that stuff out! that would have been death! its like final destination, watch out something else is gonna happen!
try living in canada in -67F weather, in my 17 years of living ive seen about half a dozen windows shatter from being rolled down when its so cold.
It's a good thing you looked jamie, you might want to inspect the rest of the truck.
i did, thats the only rust on the whole chassis. the way the bottom plates sit under the axle, it was a perfect pocket to hold the salt water even as he drove down the road it would sit there are do its thing. nothing else under the truck shows signs of salt water, weird.
mine didnt fall off, it might have, but my 6th sense told me to scope the chassis out. dam i'm good!
try living in canada in -67F weather, in my 17 years of living ive seen about half a dozen windows shatter from being rolled down when its so cold.
The coldest temperature ever recorded at city centre was −40.6 °C (−41 °F) on January 26, 1972[45] - this was the only time since recordings began in 1953 that city centre has recorded a temperature below −40 °C (−40.0 °F). The coldest overall Edmonton temperature recorded was −49.4 °C (−56.9 °F), recorded on January 19 and 21, 1886.[46]
never been that cold.
although i have broken -53C out where i live. lot's of frozen propane calls that night.
when lowering or trading rear ends i've come across a few that bad. lucky they didn't let loose on an errant pothole. but i don't think your climate creates many potholes.

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