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Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 13, 2005
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Ok so I have a big a$$ english paper due on monday and I havent started it yet but I want to know is what our you feelings on this????????????
Decriminalizng Marijuana!!!
and what kind of car you have?
I am for Decriminilizing and I have a 97 Lincoln Mark VIII, an 88 Caprice, and at '90 Geo Prizm 5-speed.
Not only do I think it should be decriminalized I think it should be legalized. Then it could be taxed and controlled just like alcohol and tobbaco. Imagine the revenues flowing into the till.

I'm not sure about the exact year it became a controlled substance but I believe it was sometime in the '40s but the change wasn't enforced until Nixon saw fit to get even with "the dirty hippies".

My parents had pot available to them in the '40s and '50s as teenagers and at college. They smoked a little and gave it up because they chose to. My mother took it up again after cancer treatments failed to ease her pain. She stopped using it when another patient got busted. She was forced to use Morphine patches to ease her pain. She frequently overdosed because she never took off the old patches. Hallucinations and violent behavior became the norm. This was better, why? In my opinion preventing dying paitients whatever relief they need is just plain cruel.

Look at pot from another aspect. In the drug world it is the only illegal drug that is used in its natural form. Heroin, Cocaine, Meth and all the rest are made by mixing the base material with poisions and acids and other chemical altering processes. True, pot has increased in potency but that just made it a better value, not a more dangerous drug.

I am certainly not advocating drug use for society at large and specifically for people under the legal drinking age. I believe it to be harmful for developing minds and bodies. However, it is no more harmful than alcohol or tobacco.

The reality is; you wouldn't believe who smokes. Heads of state, lawyers, doctors and every facet of our society enjoys pot once in a while. Hey, they say that cops have the best dope. It's really true.

Potheads are not what some of you perceive. They are working, tax-paying citizens tha raise children and have normal lives. The difference is that they chose pot instead of alcohol.

Potheads should be held to the same responsibility level as drinkers. Driving while under the influence shold be treated the same as alcohol. Just as parents have a responsibility to keep alcohol away from children the same standards should apply to pot.

Really, have you ever heard of a stoner robbing a bank to get his fix? Doesn't happen. Unfortunately, our legal system is set up so that you spend longer in jail for pot possession than you do for murder and rape. Does that make sense? We're spending $40,000 a year each to house potheads in jail. Why?

When they criminalize alcohol I'll change my mind.

BTW, I know many, many, pot-smoking Republicans and conservatives. Let take a poll.

Oh yeah, part 2 of your question:

1956 Continental Mark II convertible
1968 Lincoln 6-door linousine
1977 Lincoln Town Car
1988 BMW 325iX
1988 BMW 750iL
1997 BMW Z3
1998 Mercedes ML-320
As far as I am concerned, you can leagalize it, and smoke it to your heart's content, as long as you smoke it in the PRIVACY of your own home where I don't have to breath in the fumes.
I can't imagine that it would be any more"healthy" than smoking cigarettes.
Smoke all you want, but when you get lung cancer and can no longer work, don't expect we tax payers to foot the bill for your medical care.
While we are at it, why don't we just legalize the stronger drugs too.
That way, all the druggies won't have to dodge the cops at every turn.
Oh, and while we are at it, lets legalize kiddie porn and child molestation, prostitution, poligmy,and gay marraige,
Like we don't have enough "crazies "driving on the roads today, now you want to fill more cars with potentially dangerious drivers under the influience.
I think I am one of the very few people in the world today who can honestly say, I have lived all my life, and never once smoked a marajuana, or taken any illegal drugs.
I have never drunk alcohol, never saw the need too.
I hate the smell of beer so I never had one of thoes either.
It would appear this post sounds like I think I am better than any one else becauuse I never felt a need for these things.
I don't feel that I am any better, just a lot more fortunate that I never felt I needed any of thoes things to live a comfortable life.
Yes, Decriminalize, legalize, or whatever. Let people do what they want to do. I drive a 1990 Towncar Signature and a 1980 Mark VI Emillio Pucci designer series.
I am Canadian....It's damn near legal here, and they are pushing for decriminalization. Everybody seems to do it here. I smoke pot on the weekends sometimes. I've smoked with, lawyers, teachers,engineers, and just about everybody else. These are responsible people who hold important job in society who use the drug recreationaly, like booze. I have even grown my own to supply a friend of mine who was dying of cancer (she has since died). I became an expert at growing hydroponically, and was even a moderator at a cannabis web site. I have made my own strains, have crossbred and have cloned cannabis. I have written papers on the subject. I am an expert in the field. I have also supplied the Compassion Center, which is a place were dying people go to get the drug for pain relief when their doctors are too stubborn to supply a prescription. I have never sold it for profit, always given it away. I'm proud I've helped these people, even if it was at great risk to myself. I have not grown for a couple of years, but would do so again in the blink of an eye if someone was in dire need and in a dire situation. I'm all for the decriminalization, but more so for medical needs that decriminalization. I have been astounded at how much this drug has helped dying people. It is so much safer than most any prescription drug. I have studies done by Oxford, and many from Universities in the US. They all say the same. It's safe, and it's effective. But the governemnt refuses to listen. There are many reasons why it is outlawed, and I could go on forever. Even hemp, which has no THC, is hated in the US. If hemp was legal, there would be dire consequences for the paper and pulp industry, the cotton industry, and fiber and textile industry.(it's no wonder that the paper industry, cotton industry and huge companies like 3M pump vast sums of money into keeping hemp illegal) You can get 4 times as much paper from one acre of hemp as you can with tress...oh and it only takes 120 days! 4 TIMES in 120 days! Hemp can be bleached with no harsh chemical unlike paper, and it can be recycled many times more than paper. the fiber is 3 times stronger than cotton. Hemp requires no pesticides. Nearly ANY product made from petroleum or trees, can be made from hemp. Plastics, lubricants, clothes you name it. Industrial hemp is LEGAL here, so the products are readily available here. Hemp jeans last 10 times longer than normal jeans. We have hemp butter and hemp hand lotions in our supermarkets here. It's pretty much everywhere. The weird thing is, industrial hemp was one of the items that really made America the idustrial and wealthy country it is today. Hemp was difficult to harvest, so America became the leader at designing and making machines to do this. Great American men, like George Washington and Jefferson were hemp farmers. The 1st American flag was made from hemp. Hemp ropes in a parachute saved George Bush when he bailed out of his airplane. American and hemp have a very, very rich history. I could go on forever. If you'd like an excellent, excellent film to watch about how much money the government wastes on policing hemp and marijuana, rent GRASS. It's excellent, has fact and figures in it, and is narrated by Woody Harrelson. Good luck with your paper....
First of all, I currently own a 97 Lincloln Mark VIII and an 01 Suzuki XL7. Are you looking for a correlation between types of cars that pro and anti-pot people drive?

I smoked a lot of pot and used a lot of drugs when I was a teenager. I decided to quit cold-turkey because I didn't want to ruin my life and my health, which I was on the road to doing. That decision cost me all of my friends, but it was one of the best things I have ever done. I only say this to contrast other peoples' viewpoints.

If, I repeat, IF there are valid medical purposes for marijuana, then I am not opposed to that. There needs to be a preponderence of evidence to support this, and I don't believe that is now the case. There are studies that do support it, but many that do not.

I am, however, against the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes. It is a drug and it does have side effects and it can be dangerous. If it were legalized, there would indeed be more taxes generated as a result. But I think any money gained through legalization would be offset by the damages that would result. Not to mention that marijuana usage is proven to lead to the use of harder, more dangerous drugs.

I have a different opinion of hemp. I think it is a true wonder plant that is vastly under-utilized.

These are all just my opinions. :Beer

Well you kinda showed in your post that responsible marijuana use is harmless. The fact is that you did LOTS of it. Lots of anything is bad for you. I also don't think teenagers should be using it. Like alcohol or even coffee, it's best left to adults. If your friends abandoned you cause you smoked pot, it would seem it was for the best anyways. You must have been in a real $hit situation with co-dependancy. It is less dangerous than alcohol...studies have shown that. Evidence also contradicts the road to harder drugs. Most people who DO go on to harder drugs are predisposed (addictive disorders). If they were eventaully gonna make it to cocaine or heroin, they were going there anyways...pot was just a little stop on the way. Most people I know are content to smoke a single joint in an evening. Perhaps that wasn't the case with your situation.....And there is no question about it that marijuana eases pain and increases appetite. As far as other things it is supposed to do medically? The jury is out on that one. But I have seen through my own experience, in addition to reading papers from reputable universities here and abroad that it does much for those terminally ill...

And why is hemp banned in the US? That palnt has ZERO THC in it. But it's banned. The "war on drugs" crap has been shoved so far down Americans throats that benign hemp is considered a "drug"...
-Just Do It! I say it should be done, but in a semi-controlled environment first, as a test market. Just to see exactly how much people would buy and use.
-95 Mark, 86 Monte Carlo LS, 95 ford escort,(soon 87 montecarlo SS aerocoupe)
Mr. Wilson,

I agree that pot should be legalized but I think it unnecessary to test market it as that has been done all over the country. I don't believe that there will be any increase in use with legalization much the same as Oregon hasn't had a rapid increase in suicides since it was legalized there. Those that would have tried it already have.
In a recent study I saw on TV the study called moderate MJ use was 70 joint a week!

What's exessive? LOL

I like what Barry said about it being another source of revenue for our government. I have no problems with that as I would not be adding to the revenue.

I do feel it should be set for the Adult population. I do feel it should not be in public places! I get a bad enough headahce from other smoke and that sweet sour smell of MJ we I've had enough in college.

Anyway, There are many other good uses for MJ or it's mother plant that could also help.

I have a Mark VIII and a Mark VII.....And looking to buy another this spring! Not sure which yet! VIII or VII looking for the best deal.

I did not post my little history with drugs lightly. My experiences were not limited in nature. I have smoked pot with a gamut of individuals with varying backgrounds. Those that only smoke pot and are older generally are of an immature nature, though not always. They have not "grown out of it" yet. I still have dealings with pot users (brother and extended family members) and my opinion has not changed. Again I only posted what I did to contrast other opinions. You're not going to change my mind and I hope that my opinion will be respected as well. :Beer
No, I wouldn't try to change your mind. I had just zeroed in on the word "alot".
"Alot" is usually bad, unless we're talking about money or women! Cheers....
barry2952 said:
Mr. Wilson,

I agree that pot should be legalized but I think it unnecessary to test market it as that has been done all over the country. I don't believe that there will be any increase in use with legalization much the same as Oregon hasn't had a rapid increase in suicides since it was legalized there. Those that would have tried it already have.

but, have the proved the link between the deaths with pot? not saying that it is unrelated...i just dont know the situiation.
I vote for legalization. We all know, who I work for. We all mostly know me. I grew up in the East End of Long Island. Nothing to do, but Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll.

When I was in High School, it was very very hard for me to get in touch with niches, and groups. Being physically handicapped, people are either really really scared of you, ignorant of your issues, or expect you to be less-human than anyone else.

Oh yeah, life was fun... I always did my own thing...

I was very very well suited to be one of those cripples who collected S.S.I and lived in a Hospital until the day they died.

Both of my parents are handicapped, so when it came to growing up everything negated itself. We were, in every sense of the word, normal.

My handicapped parents spent 30 years as Federal Agents for the United States Government... you wanna talk about freaking people out?

I digress
In my teen years, the only ones who accepted me was the long-haired hippie type pico-:q:q:qs, (who I betcha even had commy flags tacked up one the wall inside their garage)

Are ya with me so far?

One day, in like tenth grade, some kid picked on me. He started pushing my wheelchair around in the halls (with me in it) whilst I had no control in stopping him... I kept yelling "Stop! Stop! Stop it!" and he was just laffing, zooming me around in the hallways showing off to his friends...​

After what felt like an eternity of being pushed around, I remembered my dad telling me, "Always think before you act, you don't realize it, but physically you're upper body is stronger than the average"

Well, I snapped, grabbed one wheel, spun the chair around at full speed and wound up facing him. Grabbed him, picked him up OVER me, and chucked his sorry 15 year old ass right through a plate glass window into our school courtyard.

You could probably hear a pin drop immediately after 'til he started crying. All I could yell was "I said STOP!" :p

That was the last time I took shiyat from anyone, within the year, I had really long hair, black leather jacket (Megadeth and Metallica Patches inclusive), smoking pot, drinking beer, doing everything you're not supposed to do. I averaged on IQ Tests at any given time roughly 167. (Which is extremely high) I was the only dirtbag in the local computer club and chess club, and the only geek in the metal head crowd (half of them owe their HS Diploma to me).

I've done lots of drugs... Coke, LSD, Shrooms, X, etc etc etc... if you can smoke it, ingest it, just be around it, I did it... Why? Cuz it was fun... I was normal in my crowd... those people liked me. Still friends with a lot of them to this day...

My best friend is 29 just like me... did as much as I did. He's now a Philosphy Professor at Brown University in Chicago. (Did I mention he's 29)

Racing Cars, Unprotected Sex, Binge Drinking, Getting thrown in jail for doing all three at the same time. That hurts....

Pot never hurt. I think someone else said "I've smoked with Lawyers, Doctors, ..." So have I... I've smoke with famous people, I've smoke with politicians... the stories I could tell. It makes you feel good, but it's not physically addicting... It's not as sensory affecting as the mildest alcoholic beverage available at the local 7-11.

Government knows it. We know it. And in the mess of mushrooms, tabs, pills, and powder, everyone said "Eww, I'll just stick to my herbage" Drugs are bad mmmkay...

I actually associate my happiest times and most realistic eye-opening portion of my life... while smoking up...

Did it hurt? Naah, I work on Wall St and Drive a Lincoln.

1998 Lincoln Mark VIII
2002 Mercury Sable
1990 Pontiac Grand Prix
1990 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
Legalize, but enforce SEVERE penalties for those who drive under the influence. What you do in/on your own private property is your business. Now, you bring that on the street and try to operate a motor vehicle? You should be wrecked.

I do, however, believe all drugs should be legalised, for the sole reason that people need to start taking some damn responsibility for thier own actions. If I drop a hit of acid, who are you to tell me I can't, so long as I don't threaten your person or property? Now if I climb in a car, you have every right to incarcerate me.

I also don't think people are going to go ape sh!t if drugs are legalised. Most of you have not seen a real drug culture. I haven't even seen the hardcore dope dealer shiat that goes on, but I've seen enough. It's not hard to get ripped, but what you get is not only dangerous because you never can be certain it's really coke or smack you're getting, but because all this prohibition creates a black economy protected by arms. Good work; enforcing moral values creates evil, news at 11. I believe the saying goes, "The path to hell is paved with good intentions." The war on drugs has created a situation where it perpetuates itself. You see, the more the law enforcement cracks down on something people want to do, the more drastic actions people will take to get what they want. It's really a dumb and expensive game.
Im not thinking all drugs just pot. I also would like to know how many of you older people use pot.
I'm supposed to be responsible now, kids and such, so I guess I'm not supposed to support anything thats not "wholesome", but I've been f***** up on lots of stuff, and I've never hurt anyone, but, I've also never driven f***** up. I've also seen 7 people in my family go to their graves early, with their lives unfufilled as a result of alcohol, my father is well on his way to being number 8. I still drink, and I still toke one on occasion. Marijuana as a legal substance would not do 1/16 of the damage alchohol does on a daily basis, and I don't think that anyone who hasn't done it has any place describing it, or it's affects. The fact is that most people who are anti-herb, upon smoking some, would change their tune.There are always exceptions, but I think that most people would enjoy it. That being said, it does lower your drive to accomplish things, in other words, it makes you kind of lazy, but I've never heard about stoners starting barfights, beating their wives or killing people on the road. I'd happily trade drinking for a fat one now and then.So in other words, I guess legilization would be cool, until they tax it like they do cigarettes, then i guess I'll go back to my dude. In other words, no matter what, we're smoking anyway.
MrWilson said:
but, have the proved the link between the deaths with pot? not saying that it is unrelated...i just dont know the situiation.
There has neaver been a any pot related death, From use. there are more over the counter med. related deaths in the u.s. 1200 from advil alone in 2004.
RRocket said:
Everybody seems to do it here. I smoke pot on the weekends sometimes. I've smoked with, lawyers, teachers,engineers, and just about everybody else.

And the Truth shall set you Free!
barry2952 said:
I don't understand. Pro or con?
Jim Carrey, from Liar Liar.

Ol' Ron used to have maryjane leafs as his sig pic. But now I am forced to look at his wife's tootoos all the time.

Kind of an inside joke.
FORCED? I don't see any tattoos.

You didn't answer the question. Pro or con?

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