Hot Black Leather/Seats in the Summer


Active LVC Member
Apr 2, 2005
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Owosso, MI
Well since I don't have a late model LS (with the cooling seat option) I've been suffering when I sit in my car after its been sitting in the sun for any length of time.

I have the Black leather. Since I'm a salesman and wear a dress shirt all day when I hop into my car when it's been in the sun...she's a freaking hot on the back. If there is shade available I'll park under it. But it's not always an option.

So then I end up with a wet shirt back and it's not "enjoyable" to say the least. Especially after driving for any length of time.

What seat covers or upright backings have people found to work well with the "hot summer leather" problem?

Air conditioning doesn't always defeat the "sweaty shirt back" syndrome.

Any ideas?
get a remote start installed, start the car like 15 mins before you leave work and let it cool down the seats... thats what i do... my remote start is timed for 25 mins! it is a wonderful thing believe me
that little stupid reflective piece of foil type thingy people put on there windshields is an inexpensive yet effective choice
park in the shade it s free :) j/k. I think the remote start idea is great but the remotes for this car have :q range
Tint the windows. Adds style and cools down the interior, I can't have a car without tint.
you can buy those bead like massaging type covers but You would probably get slapped by an LS enthusiast, Not really but it works and you get a little massage at the same time.

If money is not an option to you I seen a set of seats on Feebay with the cooling option stuff included.
Wait a live in f'n Michigan, right? LOL Oh man, that's rich...

My first 7 years in Arizona were in my old Chrysler, with no air conditioning and black vinyl seats.

The best advice I can give you is to leave your windows open some. Doing that will make a huge difference. In Arizona, parts of a closed car can exceed 200 F. In Michigan...well, probably a good buck ten. With your windows open, your car will essentially be the same temperature as ambient.

Also, get one of those foil reflective sun shade things. Having the sun beat down on your dash heats up the air ducts, which take a long time to cool off again when you switch on the air. This will also save your dash pad and upholstery from a great deal of wear.

Try to park facing into the sun to maximize the effectiveness of your sun shade.

And, finally, be thankful it's not 110-120 degrees.

EDIT: BTW the best solution I had for the wet back problem was going to a fabric store, buying a large piece of terrycloth, and cutting it in half so I had two home-made seat covers. It was practically free and more comfortable than any commercial seat cover. Essentially like sitting on a huge towel.

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