Hot97 Tsunami Song (If you can stomach this)


offnesive? yes, but Is it that bad? no way it was in poor taste but that kind of humer just is. that is not as bad as 1/2 the movies out there. I don't get what all the hub bub is about. :eek:
Apparently it was brought to us by Sprint PCS ... kinda means Sprint Kicks Asss! LOL
I didn't listen to it but have heard some of the lines from it, personally I think its just another publicity stunt gone wrong. Probably didn't realize it was going to get so much negative attention. I bet their ratings went up for little bit because people wanted to hear it
Who will be the next Howard???? Boy they really f'd that up, LOL ... STOP POSTING :joke
This amateurish parody is nothing compared to the violent, racist, vulgar. degrading drivel played on our airwaves everyday on rap / hip-hop radio.

If you can't take it, turn it off.

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