How Crazy Is Too Crazy For the GOP?

Austria in the '30s: Mirror to America
Janet Porter
September 22, 2009

In the past weeks you've heard me talk about the How to Take Back America Conference being held in St. Louis this Friday, Sept. 25, and Saturday, Sept. 26, with speakers like: Gov. Mike Huckabee, "Joe the Plumber," U.S. Reps. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., Trent Franks, R-Ariz., Steve King, R-Iowa, Tom McClintock, R-Calif., Dr. Tom Price, R-Ga., and Three-Star Gen. Jerry Boykin. But someone who'll be there that you didn't hear about is Kitty Werthmann. Kitty was 12 years old when Adolf Hitler took over Austria.

She is 83 with a "vivid memory" of what happened in her homeland next. She witnessed the government take over the banks and the auto industry. Sound familiar? In the last nine months, Obama and the Democrats in Congress have successfully orchestrated the government takeover of Chrysler and General Motors along with countless banks.

She witnessed the "compulsory youth" service and indoctrination. That sounds a little like Obama's call for "mandatory volunteerism" for America's youth.

The government takeover of the schools immediately replaced crucifixes with pictures of Hitler and Nazi flags. "All religious instruction was replaced with physical education," said Werthmann. No prayer was allowed. That all happened here decades ago. It is interesting, however, that Obama's speech to the captive audience in the government schools – complete with the essay assignment about how students could help him achieve his political goals – was replaced once the American people got wind of it. And speaking of government control of education, if the Senate agrees, all student loans will be government issued, according to a bill that passed the House last week.

Werthmann saw what happened next when the government took over the health-care system. Her brother-in-law was a physician, and by the time he got to his office, 40 patients were already waiting in line. And if the medicine they needed wasn't on the "government-approved list," the cost came out of his own salary – "which dwindled down to almost nothing," Werthmann recalled. Sounds like H.R. 3200.

"All research stopped," and in the run-down medical facilities there was a "12-18 month wait for a hospital bed." That sounds like the warnings we've already gotten from Canada and elsewhere.

Are we headed for a Nazi-style totalitarian abyss? Find out in "Defeating the Totalitarian Lie: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America"

Werthman's husband saw what his brother faced and left Germany to practice medicine in the United States. Werthmann said, "He marveled at how modern our hospitals were, and how great our medical care is." That's the medical care Obama wants to replace with socialized medicine.

Kitty recalled the massive welfare system funded by 60-70 percent tax increases in an effort to "spread the wealth." Wow, there's an interesting phrase. Did I mention that "Joe the Plumber" will also be at the conference?

"The media was taken over by the government right away," Kitty recalls. "We got free radios and the radio stations were government-run. If you listened to a foreign radio station like the BBC, there was capital punishment," said Werthmann.

They had Joseph Goebbels; we have Mark Lloyd, the diversity czar, who is already poised to shut down private radio stations like his hero Hugo Chavez did – threatening licenses and waging outrageous fines on stations (up to $25 million dollars) who say things he doesn't like.

"We heard only what was on the radio," she said. "We couldn't get information from anywhere." Kind of like we'll be if the government takes over not only radio, but the Internet, as well. Senate bills 773 and 778, introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., would do just that – handing over control of one of our last bastions of free speech to none other than Barack Obama.

But now, Obama is poised to "bail out the newspaper industry," ushering in an official "state-run media." Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., has already introduced S. 673, the so-called "Newspaper Revitalization Act," providing the means. While most in the media already tow the official state line, Obama doesn't like those unruly blogs. It's a lot easier when you can silence people like Rep. Joe Wilson for speaking out against you – and then outlawing accurate words like "lie" from being said on the House floor.

"Each person was allotted ration cards like a pound of sugar per month." Werthmann said. "If your grandma died, and you used her ration card to buy sugar, the grocery store would report you. Then, the Gestapo showed up, but rather than arrest you, they recruited you as informant of your neighbors, boss, friends and family. You couldn't trust anybody, not even the mailman," Werthmann added. Weekly reports were required or arrests were made.

Sounds a little like Obama's recruitment of government informants, i.e. the "snitch program," to turn in offenders for "fishy" speech. No arrests just yet, but the Department of Homeland Security has already tagged pro-family Americans as "the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States."

While Austria and Germany didn't have a "green movement," Werthmann said relatives living there under the European Union have experienced "a tripling of their energy bills." The House has also already initiated the government takeover of energy by passing the Cap-and-trade bill – which will tax us for heating our homes and driving to work. Obama, himself, said our bills would "skyrocket" as a result.

Werthmann said it took five years for Hitler to rise to a dictatorship, and is amazed at how fast history is repeating itself here. "It has to be done fast," she added, "so people won't catch on."

"Those of us who sailed past the Statute of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity." Werthmann concluded. "After America, there is no place to run."

Last night I watched a movie about Dietrich Bonhoeffer. After all, he was in a battle against National Socialists, too. It cost him his life. We need to rise up now to stop it before it comes to that.

See you in St. Louis.
She is 83 with a "vivid memory" of what happened in her homeland next. She witnessed the government take over industry. Sound familiar? In the last nine months, Obama and the Democrats in Congress have successfully orchestrated the government takeover of Chrysler and General Motors
It sounds like what the U. S. Government did shortly after Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese in 1941. The U. S. President forced the American auto makers to cease producing cars. Then, two months later he forced them to start producing military vehicles.

PS: Hitler didn't take over the German auto makers until 1943.
So you mean to say it resembles FDR and Hitler didn't work as quickly.
Nice point.
In the last nine months, Obama and the Democrats in Congress have successfully orchestrated the government takeover of Chrysler.
How much Chrysler stock is currently owned by Obama, the Democrats in Congress or any agency of the U. S. Government?

She witnessed the "compulsory youth" service and indoctrination. That sounds a little like Obama's call for "mandatory volunteerism" for America's youth.
President Obama has never even used the term "mandatory volunteerism" to describe any of his proposals pertaining to America's youth.
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Are you asking me to defend or explain everything in that article to you?
I wasn't familiar with Janet Porter, so I posted that because it was the most recent example of her writing.

You said she was an extremist and a lunatic.
Everyone can judge her words for themselves.

How much Chrysler stock is currently owned by Obama, the Democrats in Congress or any agency of the U. S. Government?
It's actually not as easy to figure this out as you make the question sound.
I think the federal government holds an 8% stake in the company, though the intervention doesn't end with that.

President Obama has never even used the term "mandatory volunteerism" to describe any of his proposals pertaining to America's youth.
There are a lot of mentions by Obama, his campaign, and his staff of compulsory service.

Here's just one from :
"The Obama-Biden plan sets a goal for all students to engage in service, with middle and high school students performing 50 hours of service each year, and college students performing 100 hours of service each year."

And a related article about Obama speaking about that one the campaign trail
Are you asking me to defend or explain everything in that article to you? I wasn't familiar with Janet Porter, so I posted that because it was the most recent example of her writing.
You post it, you own it, dude.

It's actually not as easy to figure this out as you make the question sound. I think the federal government holds an 8% stake in the company, though the intervention doesn't end with that.
The government owns no Chrysler stock whatsoever. You lied when you said that Obama and the Democrats in Congress orchestrated a government takeover of Chrysler. You know as well as I do that Chrysler approached the government and asked for help.
There are a lot of mentions by Obama, his campaign, and his staff of compulsory service.
President Obama has still never even used the term "mandatory volunteerism" to describe any of his proposals pertaining to America's youth. Why don't you just admit you were lying?
The government owns no Chrysler stock whatsoever.
The United States government currently holds an 8% stake in Chrylser.
The Canadian government holds 2% of the company.
Fiat currently owns 35%.
And the UAW holds 55%.

When did (I) lie?
Are you taking issue with the way Janet Porter worded something in the article I provided?

when you said that Obama and the Democrats in Congress orchestrated a government takeover of Chrysler. You know as well as I do that Chrysler approached the government and asked for help.

Chrysler asked for help in 1983 also-
but the government didn't retain an ownership stake, force a deal with a foreign auto maker, and turn over a majority stake in the company to the auto unions. health plan. Cerberus gets nothing and the other creditors were screwed out of millions as well while the government bumped the union up in line.

President Obama has still never even used the term "mandatory volunteerism" to describe any of his proposals pertaining to America's youth. Why don't you just admit you were lying?

Again, I don't remember ever using the term "mandatory volunteerism."
But is mandatory volunteerism different than compulsory service?
Why don't you admit that YOU are lying by trying to draw some kind of distinction between the two terms.

Also note that "Mandatory Volunteerism" is the term that has been used for at least a decade to describe compulsory service in groups like America corps.
...retain an ownership stake, force a deal with a foreign auto maker, and turn over a majority stake in the company to the auto unions. health plan. Cerberus gets nothing and the other creditors were screwed out of millions as well while the government bumped the union up in line.
Things like that happen when a corporation goes bankrupt, dude.
The United States government currently holds an 8% stake in Chrysler.

That would seem to refute the allegation of some right wing nut jobs that President Obama and the Democrats orchestrated the bankruptcy of Chrysler to fast track their plan to establish a Nazi dictatorship.
That would seem to refute the allegation of some right wing nut jobs that President Obama and the Democrats orchestrated the bankruptcy of Chrysler to fast track their plan to establish a Nazi dictatorship.

Only if you are ignorant of the substance of the allegation...
Conservative Bishop Worried About Right Wing Racism

Bishop Harry Jackson, who is leading a campaign to prevent same-sex couples in the District of Columbia from being able to legally marry, is employing increasingly divisive rhetoric designed to push a wedge between the District’s African Americans and supporters of gay rights in the city. In his weekend speech to national Religious Right activists at the Values Voter Summit and in a recent column, Jackson ignores African American LGBT people and portrays the gay community as enemies and oppressors of poor black single mothers. In his Values Voter Summit remarks on Saturday, Jackson urged attendees to be more careful about attacks on President Obama that might sound racist, because it was making it harder for him to convince black pastors to join his anti-gay crusade.
Bishop Harry Jackson, who is leading a campaign to prevent same-sex couples in the District of Columbia from being able to legally marry, is employing increasingly divisive rhetoric designed to push a wedge between the District’s African Americans and supporters of gay rights in the city. In his weekend speech to national Religious Right activists at the Values Voter Summit and in a recent column, Jackson ignores African American LGBT people and portrays the gay community as enemies and oppressors of poor black single mothers. In his Values Voter Summit remarks on Saturday, Jackson urged attendees to be more careful about attacks on President Obama that might sound racist, because it was making it harder for him to convince black pastors to join his anti-gay crusade.

What you quote doesn't exactly support your assessment that a, " Conservative Bishop Worried About Right Wing Racism". Comments that "might sound racist" are not the same thing as "racist comments". In this day with the racial hypersensitivity in parts of our society, comments are falsely considered racist by some simply because they can be taken out of context and construed that way.
Harry Jackson to Religious Right activists: Please stop sounding like racists

Bishop Harry Jackson, the Religious Right’s favorite African American preacher, asked the mostly white participants at the Values Voter Summit to tone down their anti-Obama rhetoric. He knew they weren’t racists, he explained, but the fact that some people were sounding like racists made it even harder on him as a conservative trying to get other black clergy to join his anti-gay organizing in D.C.

While asking summit participants to be less offensive, Jackson’s Saturday afternoon speech may have actually reached some new personal lows of offensive rhetoric.
Bishop Harry Jackson, the Religious Right’s favorite African American preacher, asked the mostly white participants at the Values Voter Summit to tone down their anti-Obama rhetoric. He knew they weren’t racists, he explained, but the fact that some people were sounding like racists made it even harder on him as a conservative trying to get other black clergy to join his anti-gay organizing in D.C.

While asking summit participants to be less offensive, Jackson’s Saturday afternoon speech may have actually reached some new personal lows of offensive rhetoric.

Again, doesn't counter my point. Sounding racist (a purely subjective view) is way different then objectively being racist.

In fact, your claims sound racist to me. Thus, you are clearly a racist.

Continue to spam all you want, but continued "proof by assertion" arguments only prove your lack of intellectual integrity and lack of credibility.
Again, doesn't counter my point. Sounding racist (a purely subjective view) is way different then objectively being racist.

In fact, your claims sound racist to me. Thus, you are clearly a racist.

Continue to spam all you want, but continued "proof by assertion" arguments only prove your lack of intellectual integrity and lack of credibility.

I just thought it was funny for a conservative to accuse other conservatives of being racist. I wonder if the accused will accuse the good Bishop of playing that race card thingy.
I just thought it was funny for a conservative to accuse other conservatives of being racist. I wonder if the accused will accuse the good Bishop of playing that race card thingy.

But he wasn't accusing anyone of that. Maybe you missed the part IN THE SECTION OF THE ARTICLE YOU QUOTED; "He knew they weren’t racists...".

If that is how you honestly interpret things, there is no way you are a successful lawyer and no reason for anyone to take anything you say seriously.

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