how did he manage to get on a plane


Dedicated LVC Member
May 25, 2008
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Grand Rapids, Michigan
I'm sure you have all heard about the most recent attempt to bring down an airplane. I'm curious how did he even get on the plane in the first place; his name was on the terror watch list, he bought a one way ticket with cash and no luggage, his father wrote lettes to the officials in Africa, and the US embassy worried that his son would do something like this, its pathetic
Your cousin was booked on that flight, but heard about it BEFORE the flight?

Is your cousin clairvoyant or something?

And the guy was NOT on the No fly list. He was on a lesser list, the list where someone gets put on when there's just not enough evidence to put them on the No Fly list.
Took me two years to get off of one of their craptastic lists.

Bought a one-way ticket for cash to go and buy a boat and bingo, instant terrorist.:rolleyes:
And how 'bout that bitch Janet Napolitano who told all of us how well the system worked! Liberals are soooo f'd up it isn't funny.
The list is BS anyway. A 5 year old little American boy is on it and an 8 year old American boy. Hell, my 7 year old son might be on it. I bet if the list was closely checked, 60% or more of the names are of kids under 10 that are very unlikely to even be flying anywhere. I bet there are dead people on the list.

There could be thousands of wasteful names on the list just so they keep the number up to par and I could only imagine the 2nd list beyond the first 4000 names. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't even have Bin Laden on either of them.

"The list" is only to make us think that "Homeland Security" - "TSA" or w/e is doing their job. Obviously this thread was started for a reason. A list, phone calls, ect., and the man still got on the plane.

:D Maybe Jesse Ventura will get to the bottom of it before they kill him off. He did prove that the Sept 11th attacks could have been avoided and that it was known that the pilots were in the planes before they even left the ground. Oh, not to mention that "ALL 4 BLACK BOXES" were said to never have been found??? 100% Not Possible! There were people that saw the boxes during the rescue mission and they know for a fact that the exist. The FBI have the boxes but they don't want what's on them to be known to the public. It's just their way of reducing the US population. I wonder what's next to take us out? You get 50 planes in the sky and hit 50 large buildings and that should take out a large number of us. We even teach the terrorist how to fly our planes. They love killing themselves and could care less about who they kill in the process. The next one will not be a few thousands deaths. My guess is 100's of thousands in large populated cities.

All of this is not hard to figure out. Why not really bash and crash the Pentagon? They could have. What stopped them?
The list is BS anyway. A 5 year old little American boy is on it and an 8 year old American boy. Hell, my 7 year old son might be on it. I bet if the list was closely checked, 60% or more of the names are of kids under 10 that are very unlikely to even be flying anywhere. I bet there are dead people on the list.

There could be thousands of wasteful names on the list just so they keep the number up to par and I could only imagine the 2nd list beyond the first 4000 names. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't even have Bin Laden on either of them.

"The list" is only to make us think that "Homeland Security" - "TSA" or w/e is doing their job. Obviously this thread was started for a reason. A list, phone calls, ect., and the man still got on the plane.

:D Maybe Jesse Ventura will get to the bottom of it before they kill him off. He did prove that the Sept 11th attacks could have been avoided and that it was known that the pilots were in the planes before they even left the ground. Oh, not to mention that "ALL 4 BLACK BOXES" were said to never have been found??? 100% Not Possible! There were people that saw the boxes during the rescue mission and they know for a fact that the exist. The FBI have the boxes but they don't want what's on them to be known to the public. It's just their way of reducing the US population. I wonder what's next to take us out? You get 50 planes in the sky and hit 50 large buildings and that should take out a large number of us. We even teach the terrorist how to fly our planes. They love killing themselves and could care less about who they kill in the process. The next one will not be a few thousands deaths. My guess is 100's of thousands in large populated cities.

All of this is not hard to figure out. Why not really bash and crash the Pentagon? They could have. What stopped them?
So, your theory is that our government is in league with Al Qaeda to reduce our population? How does that work, fewer taxpayers and fewer mouths to feed or something?

What's the motivation behind that?

Why hasn't there been one single whistleblower or leak exposing this nefarious plot? We're talking about TWO administrations in a row at least, and maybe THREE. Not one single peep from anybody? Was Vince Foster the weak link?
So, your theory is that our government is in league with Al Qaeda to reduce our population? How does that work, fewer taxpayers and fewer mouths to feed or something?

What's the motivation behind that?

Why hasn't there been one single whistleblower or leak exposing this nefarious plot? We're talking about TWO administrations in a row at least, and maybe THREE. Not one single peep from anybody? Was Vince Foster the weak link?

No, I wouldn't say that we're in a league that compares to Al Qaeda, if that's how you meant to say that. What I'm suggesting is that either the US and it's leaders are extremely stupid or there is more going on than people know.

If you had any "for sure" idea that you knew what was really happening, would you be a whistle blower? I know you wouldn't. You would be dead before you could finish blowing it. Secret societies are amongst us as we speak.

Was Vince Foster the weak link? You tell me. Obviously he knew something, about something or someone. Did you notice that all the long time big leaders such as Rumsfeld, Secretary Powell just to name a couple just up and quit at the same time. Ever wondered why? Ehh, must be something behind that but we'll never know.

I know I jump from subject to subject or topic to topic but all of this just hits me from different directions. I don't know our true meaning for remaining in Iraq but I feel like we should get out and leave the country to defend for itself. We should put our money into the US, not Iraq. I don't live in Iraq and could care less what happens in Iraq. We need people off of our own streets here at home, strong health care plan, jobs, cheaper fuel of all kinds.

Tax payers? lol.... If we lost thousands of tax payers, the price of fuel would just rise again to cover the cost. I can assure you that the only loss would be life, not money. Everything seems to revolve around fuel cost. I wonder why that is? The "food for oil" program got it started good enough so that we could start shipping their oil to the US and what kind of food were we giving? Burlap bags full of whatever, who really knows..... I could care less because what I think or do has ZERO effect on what happens with our own country. I have no trust in our leaders, especially the current leader that we have. He will be getting the report today on the intel failures about the latest terror scare lol. It took 6 days to figure out the failure or did it really take 6 days to make up a good lie?

I can only imagine what the outcome of this will be but I bet "no ONE person" will have a finger pointed at them. I seriously and when I say this, I mean seriously am not into politics at all. I don't even want to come in here and pretend to be into politics or even know anything about politics. All I do know is that the majority of the people that make up our politics are crooked. Our leader is crooked. Leaders of all countries are crooked. We live in a crooked society and it's never going to change.

Example: When hurricane Katrina hit the US, how long did it take for Bush to send help for the LA residents that were stranded on bridges and streets. These people were starving to death and dehydrating. Why? It was in hopes of killing off that particular population. Most were getting monthly checks, food stamps, family assistance, housing assistance, medicaid. Do you follow me now? If something happens in Iraq, we're there within a matter of hours but not more than a day or two tops.

If Beverly Hills flooded and had thousands of people stranded in the streets, do you think it would take a week to get them off the street? Hell no, they would be safe within hours. If a fire breaks out in California, here comes the rescue squad to help save a few houses. The projects and low income housing in LA gets flooded, plus (a few other nicer homes), what did the US really do? Nothing in my eyes. It's not hard to figure out.
Wow.... Be careful when you cherry picking information, and then misunderstanding it, from a TV show that U.S. Alex Jones as a source.

The problem with too many conspiracies are that they might find an issue or mistake, but then they take it too far. In the pursuit of order in the universe, to wrap it all up in a bow, they take it back to a single person or group. The fact is, most "conspiracies" are the result of many competing interests that are associated with the same issues.
If you had any "for sure" idea that you knew what was really happening, would you be a whistle blower? I know you wouldn't. You would be dead before you could finish blowing it. Secret societies are amongst us as we speak.
So you believe that a vast number of public officials is involved in some sort of nebulous conspiracy, and not one of them has ever exposed the truth for fear of death.
Here, I will say it, It's all the democrat's, liberal's what ever the hell you choose to call them. It's not the Nigerians fault, just as 9/11 was Bush and the republicans, don't dare blame Osama, or his stupid followers.
The Politics of Incompetence
By The Prowler

On December 26, two days after Nigerian Omar Abdulmutallab allegedly attempted to use underwear packed with plastic explosives to blow up the Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight he was on, and as it became clear internally that the Administration had suffered perhaps its most embarrassing failure in the area of national security, senior Obama White House aides, including chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and new White House counsel Robert Bauer, ordered staff to begin researching similar breakdowns -- if any -- from the Bush Administration.

"The idea was that we'd show that the Bush Administration had had far worse missteps than we ever could," says a staffer in the counsel's office. "We were told that classified material involving anything related to al Qaeda operating in Yemen or Nigeria was fair game and that we'd declassify it if necessary."

The White House, according to the source, is in full defensive spin mode. Other administration sources also say a flurry of memos were generated on December 26th, 27th, and 28th, which developed talking points about how Obama's decision to effectively shut down the Homeland Security Council (it was merged earlier this year into the National Security Council, run by National Security Adviser James Jones) had nothing to do with what Obama called a "catastrophic" failure on Christmas Day.

"This White House doesn't view the Northwest [Airlines] failure as one of national security, it's a political issue," says the White House source. "That's why Axelrod and Emanuel are driving the issue."

Axelrod, who has no foreign policy or national security experience beyond occasionally consulting with liberal or progressive candidates running for political office in foreign countries, has been actively participating in national security briefings from the beginning of the administration. He has also sat in on Obama's "war council" meetings, providing Obama with suggestions in both venues based on what he knows about polling and public opinion data, say several White House sources.

"[Axelrod] isn't sitting in the meetings telling the President, 'Do this because the polling shows that,'" says one source. "But we know that in less public settings, or on paper, David does provide guidance to the President that gives him added context to the recommendations and information our foreign policy and national security teams give him."

Axelrod's presence in the meetings has raised some eyebrows, as previous political advisers in the White House have typically not participated in such meetings. Bush Administration sources, for example, say that political adviser Karl Rove was not present at national security meetings.
Axelrod's presence in the meetings has raised some eyebrows, as previous political advisers in the White House have typically not participated in such meetings. Bush Administration sources, for example, say that political adviser Karl Rove was not present at national security meetings.
It's common sense. You never see a puppet without the master nearby pulling the strings.
So you believe that a vast number of public officials is involved in some sort of nebulous conspiracy, and not one of them has ever exposed the truth for fear of death.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that a "vast" majority of public officials are involved but yes, I would say that a select few are, maybe more. When it comes to public officials, mainly high ranking ones, I trust none of them. I'm sure there's a name for my type and believe me, there are many of us.

Bill O on Fox News would most likely refer to me as a "pinhead" but I don't care. I believe what I believe, even though to some, it may seem a bit far fetched. The truth about a lot of things will eventually come out.
Bonus points if you can work the lizard people into your theory!
I wouldn't go as far as to say that a "vast" majority of public officials are involved but yes, I would say that a select few are, maybe more. When it comes to public officials, mainly high ranking ones, I trust none of them. I'm sure there's a name for my type and believe me, there are many of us.

Bill O on Fox News would most likely refer to me as a "pinhead" but I don't care. I believe what I believe, even though to some, it may seem a bit far fetched. The truth about a lot of things will eventually come out.
You couldn't pull off attacks like that without a LOT of people knowing about it. Use your brain.
Why does the article above not surprise me? Just like those retards that WE trained to fly our planes were also known to be in the cockpit before the plane ever left the ground. Don't forget about the 4 missing black boxes!! That alone should tell someone something. Anyone that knows anything about flying and aircraft safety, would know that it is virtually impossible for a black box to not be found, especially FOUR of them. Yes, my father was a pilot after retiring from Chrysler. I do know a few things are impossible.

Why did the official want to keep his name out of it? He wasn't paid to keep his mouth shut, they're scared, that's why. Now, if the name gets out of who said something, he or she will be jobless and then other things will follow before they have the chance to tell more. Will we ever hear about any of this.....? Doubtful. Who's gonna care?

I think others should use their brain and quit thinking that everyone in Washington is "all good" when really, they're not.

The questions at the end of the article were very good ones. Where was everyone? We know our leader if you want to call him that was on vacation and btw, is he being paid for taking vacations when all of us need help so that we too can take vacations?
Why does the article above not surprise me?
It shouldn't surprise you because government is big, bloated and hugely inefficient.

Just like those retards that WE trained to fly our planes were also known to be in the cockpit before the plane ever left the ground.
You mean the terrorists who went to a private aviation school here in Sarasota, Fl?

Don't forget about the 4 missing black boxes!! That alone should tell someone something.
...something. Not what.
It might tell us that the magesium and petroleum fueled fires that melted steel and caused a hundred story building to collapse might have destroyed the boxes.

It might tell us that there's information that is being withheld.

But it doesn't tell us anything specific.
The pleasure of the 911 kook conspiracies is that they don't have to make any sense. The government flew the planes in to the buildings.. but weren't they lined with explosives? If you could sneak demolition crews into the trade center (and to people unfamiliar with NY, you can't understand just how dense that part of the city is) but they couldn't put "rigged" black boxes in the planes?
The 911 truther conspiracies are more about the ignorance of the believer than the events of the day. Because THEY don't understand physics, it can't be possible.

Again, they're trying to make order out of disorder.
The 9/11 Truth is that we are all very vulnerable and always will be. And that death or tragedy can strike any of us completely at random. And there's just no comfort in that.

And no one can stop it. No one is in charge of it.

Anyone that knows anything about flying and aircraft safety, would know that it is virtually impossible for a black box to not be found, especially FOUR of them. Yes, my father was a pilot after retiring from Chrysler. I do know a few things are impossible.
That might seem impossible.
However, that's not true.
The black boxes WERE found in Pennsylvania and Washington.

I think others should use their brain and quit thinking that everyone in Washington is "all good" when really, they're not.
Most of us certainly don't think that.

The questions at the end of the article were very good ones. Where was everyone? We know our leader if you want to call him that was on vacation and btw, is he being paid for taking vacations when all of us need help so that we too can take vacations?
Not sure what you're referring to, but the President routinely takes a vacation (of sorts) at this time of year. Congress has returned home and, especially now, telecommunications have advanced so a President can remain in touch regardless where in the world they travel... even Hawaii.

Are these paid days? I don't know. The President is a salaried position with a deep expense account and numerous perks, though it's among the most stress positions in the world. Take a before and after look at any of the past Presidents.

And if you haven't yet, I highly recommend you read this:
I wasn't referring to all 4 flights, I was referring to all four black boxes that were on both planes that hit the World Trade Towers.

Flights like that or let me rephrase, passenger jets normally carry two of them and all 4 of the boxes to have been melted, burned, crushed, destroyed, or whatever someone might want to believe IS impossible. The FBI has them and has all 4 of them but we'll never get the real truth.

I did however see some extremely stupid theories about what happened that day, such as the planes being "Army cargo planes" and the government killing the people. That's possible but I'm not even dumb enough to go that far with my thoughts.

Super thermite was most likely painted all inside these buildings, little by little during construction that went on there on a daily basis. Either way, we'll never know what really happened. It's the FBI's job to only let you know what they want you to know.

I do have one question for you and fossten both if you don't mind answering.

Do either of you believe in any conspiracies? If so, may I ask what they might be?
Super thermite was most likely painted all inside these buildings, little by little during construction that went on there on a daily basis. Either way, we'll never know what really happened. It's the FBI's job to only let you know what they want you to know.
If thermite was placed in the building, why didn't it explode when hit with the wreckage of a burning airliner?? Burning jet fuel, petroluem products, and the magnesium air frame.

Have you ever been to Manhattan? Been to the Trade Center either before or after 9/11!? Ever been to New York City? The premise that the towers, built in the 70s, were lined with enough thermite to bring them down is MORONIC.

I do have one question for you and fossten both if you don't mind answering.
Do either of you believe in any conspiracies? If so, may I ask what they might be?
I don't know how you define "conspiracies" so I can't answer.
Do I think that people work behind the scenes to advance their agenda- certainly.
Do I consider myself a "conspiracy theorist"- absolutely not.

I don't believe in any conspiracies that are "proven" solely because of my ignorance or inability to understand something. For example, there is no proof of any kind of 9/11 conspiracy (other than a bunch of Muslims conspiring to attack the U.S.), merely questions that people don't think have been answered, or answers that those people don't understand.

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