So, your theory is that our government is in league with Al Qaeda to reduce our population? How does that work, fewer taxpayers and fewer mouths to feed or something?
What's the motivation behind that?
Why hasn't there been one single whistleblower or leak exposing this nefarious plot? We're talking about TWO administrations in a row at least, and maybe THREE. Not one single peep from anybody? Was Vince Foster the weak link?
No, I wouldn't say that we're in a league that compares to Al Qaeda, if that's how you meant to say that. What I'm suggesting is that either the US and it's leaders are extremely stupid or there is more going on than people know.
If you had any "for sure" idea that you knew what was really happening, would you be a whistle blower? I know you wouldn't. You would be dead before you could finish blowing it. Secret societies are amongst us as we speak.
Was Vince Foster the weak link? You tell me. Obviously he knew something, about something or someone. Did you notice that all the long time big leaders such as Rumsfeld, Secretary Powell just to name a couple just up and quit at the same time. Ever wondered why? Ehh, must be something behind that but we'll never know.
I know I jump from subject to subject or topic to topic but all of this just hits me from different directions. I don't know our true meaning for remaining in Iraq but I feel like we should get out and leave the country to defend for itself. We should put our money into the US, not Iraq. I don't live in Iraq and could care less what happens in Iraq. We need people off of our own streets here at home, strong health care plan, jobs, cheaper fuel of all kinds.
Tax payers? lol.... If we lost thousands of tax payers, the price of fuel would just rise again to cover the cost. I can assure you that the only loss would be life, not money. Everything seems to revolve around fuel cost. I wonder why that is? The "food for oil" program got it started good enough so that we could start shipping their oil to the US and what kind of food were we giving? Burlap bags full of whatever, who really knows..... I could care less because what I think or do has ZERO effect on what happens with our own country. I have no trust in our leaders, especially the current leader that we have. He will be getting the report today on the intel failures about the latest terror scare lol. It took 6 days to figure out the failure or did it really take 6 days to make up a good lie?
I can only imagine what the outcome of this will be but I bet "no ONE person" will have a finger pointed at them. I seriously and when I say this, I mean seriously am not into politics at all. I don't even want to come in here and pretend to be into politics or even know anything about politics. All I do know is that the majority of the people that make up our politics are crooked. Our leader is crooked. Leaders of all countries are crooked. We live in a crooked society and it's never going to change.
Example: When hurricane Katrina hit the US, how long did it take for Bush to send help for the LA residents that were stranded on bridges and streets. These people were starving to death and dehydrating. Why? It was in hopes of killing off that particular population. Most were getting monthly checks, food stamps, family assistance, housing assistance, medicaid. Do you follow me now? If something happens in Iraq, we're there within a matter of hours but not more than a day or two tops.
If Beverly Hills flooded and had thousands of people stranded in the streets, do you think it would take a week to get them off the street? Hell no, they would be safe within hours. If a fire breaks out in California, here comes the rescue squad to help save a few houses. The projects and low income housing in LA gets flooded, plus (a few other nicer homes), what did the US really do? Nothing in my eyes. It's not hard to figure out.