How do I remove?


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
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I have a moon roof and the sliding panel to close off the window is torn up, looks like crap. How the hell would i remove this to reapolster it?
close the sun roof and unbolt it take out the glass then the shade just sits in a channel with spring tensioners push over and lift out
When you remove make sure there is not something back inthe channels that can rip the new one. I got a repalcemtn form a junkyard adn ther first @#$#@$#@ time i slide it back - riiiiiiiiiiiip I was pi$$ed off. Luckly the yard guy was cool and let me drop off both my ripped up ones for another - no charge. I later decided (3 weeks later) to go get the roof motor and cables but they crushed all 3 of the Gen IIs they had... sad sad day.
They can be reupholstered. You hafta rip off the old stuff and glue on new material.

You can do this yourself, go to your local interior shop with the part in hand, have them color match the material and get more than enuf to do the part you has to roll over the edges, so make sure that you have enuf to roll over the edges all the way around. Go to the local parts store and buy some 3M Trim Adhesive after you get the appropriate material. Pull off the old stuff and sand (with like 1000 grit sand paper, or an emory cloth) the part a bit so that there are no bumps or lil pieces left over from the original material. Lay down the material with the glue side up. Spray the whole piece with the 3M Trim Adhesive, and spray the part with the adhesive too. You will also hafta flip the part over and spray the edges so that when you roll the material over the edge it has something to stick to. Wait until the glue is tacky. Once it is tacky, but NOT totally dry (usually about 15 minutes depending on the temp outside) lay the piece on the part and smooth out the material (make sure there are no bubbles), and then roll it over the edge. Then trim off what you do not are done!

Hope that helps.:D
Thanks alot, Its gonna be 100times better no doubt about it, its so nasty right now. Ill make sure to get a real strong like nylon fabric or something never rip again,lol. Thanks.

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