How much did you pay for another key for your LS?


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 30, 2012
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I've been running off one key for 2-3 years now and my fob is no longer in working order. my guess is that the key is probably not too far behind due to age. how much did you guys pay for another key? Dealership or local locksmith?
I bought two keys for about $25 each and about $45 to have them programmed (having one key made $70 when you can get a second for a third more...)

plus once you have three, you can lose one and still program more yourself without having to pay the dealer
The key doesn't have a battery or anything. The transponer/RFID tag is energized by a ring around the ignition. My original 97 Taurus keys still both work fine.

But that's not to say it's a bad idea to have 3 keys on hand. As Loud said, if you have 3 and lose one, you can still program a new one yourself for just the cost of key+cut. Or go crazy and have another 5 cut and strategically hide them in places you'll forget about
I just had 2 more keys made and programmed for $100 so I guess I got a deal there. What's the max amount of keys that can be programmed to this car?
I'm pretty sure it's 8 keys, hence the "get two cut and programmed, then cut 5 more later and program them yourself"
Yes, eight active keys at the same time. Note that the total number is unlimited. (If you lose the first eight keys, you can have more and more made and programmed in, unlike some cars that have a lifetime maximum of ten.)
Had I known, I would've just programmed one more key and had the others programmed my self. -_- What are the steps in programming more keys?
I cant remember but i had my car in the shop had a new brain put in some wiring and and new tierid end, and one of the o2 sensors was slow to respond... They just made me one, i didnt event ask, was a 5.00 charge for key on my recicpt
The cost of one key was probably so close to the price of two that its worth the security of just getting it done. I would expect $50 of your cost to be labor, regardless of number of keys. Don't worry about it too much .

It can also be difficult to get keys cut without a programming as some places don't want to separate the labor. When I have ebay-bought keys (car or those pesky "do not duplicate" keys), I go to Home depot and buy a non-chipped car key or house key, have it cut, then ask them nicely to cut the other key and reassure them I won't try to return it if it doesn't work. I get away with it 75% of the time. Worse case scenario, you spend $2.50 on an entry only key

I had a ~22 year old kid get into a tizzy and tell me if the key is wrong, it'll set off my alarm, lockout the car, and other nonsense and that I would need to come back the next day to buy am official key. He didn't even cut me a chipless key becaus my key had a chip and turned on the light in the chip checker. Oy.

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