How to remove the damn bolt attaching the front air springs to the lower control arms


LVC Member
Apr 19, 2005
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I need help from my Mark VIII family,

I am like 2 hours into trying to replace the old air springs on the front of 97 Mark VIII. Here's the deal, I got a break bar with the right socket size for the large nut that fastens the springs to the lower rocker arm. That was a complete PIA, but WD-40 help loosen up that rust. Now when I think I am home free, WHAMO, the damn bolt does not seem to come easily. I see that the pattern on the bolt head looks to be hex, but at the base it appear star...WTF? Anyway a 18MM hex socket fits but I cannot loosen the bolt and one attempt it felt like I rounded off two corners so I stopped.

I am so damn close to finishing this job and I am not try to get raped by the dealer or mechanic to finish this job by removing a damn bolt. So can anyone help me and tell me what damn socket I should be using or the technique to remove the bolt? Or should I invest in the IRWIN Bolt removal set? Just help guys, I really want to get this job done myself.

I always cut the bolt head off on one side, and cut the remaining portion off of the other side. then spread the bottom of the strut to allow me to slide it off of the lower control arm.

Needless to say, I replace the lowers at the same time. The bolt rusts and locks it's self into the bushing and is a sonofabitch to get out with out ruining the bushing.

I've done quite a few of these, and this is the easiest way.
For that 18mm bolt, you NEED a 6 point socket, a 12 point will not get a good grip. When I replaced mine, I was lucky enough to have access to air tools, which helped ALOT. I used a combination of hammers, air hammers and an impact gun to get mine out. Some people who have done it without air tools say that it just takes time and patience. Did you get the bolt to move at all?
Sometimes the threaded end gets "screwed" into that side of the strut, that may be causing you problems also.
On mine the passenger side was a HUGE PITA, but the driver's side came right out with no problem at all.
man thats gotta suck thank god i didnt have to go thru that, i read so many stories about that bolt before doing my coil conversion....... breaker bar + 1/2 ratchet + me = bolt came out, no trouble on mine :D ......i had a more hard time separating the upper arms from the spindles :rolleyes: .......
I just finished changing mine out. I just went to springs. I know exactly what you are talking about. What I did was wedge a screwdriver to bend the clamp that wraps around the strut. I bent that clamp out. Then I used a 4lb hammer with a spike and wacked the hell out of it. It came out. But I have to say, It was a b&%tch to get out.
I had to use the good 'ol 8 lb fine adjustment tool = sledge hammer...and a lot of elbow grease. They sieze up pretty good.
Mine didn't want to come out either. I used the socket on the bolt after removing the nut and turned it back and forth a few times to free it up and then put an extension between the shock mount and LCA and taped it out.

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