Huge Weapons Cache found buried in Desert...


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Pay attention. Does anybody think it might be plausible that WMD might be buried in the sand? Just a little bit possible? Moved to Iran or Syria? Maybe?

U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division finds "large cache"

01:10 2005-12-21
As the piles of missiles and rockets dug from the desert floor grew, smiles on U.S. Army soldiers' faces turned to scowls of serious concern.

Working on a tip from an informant, soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division on Tuesday dug up more than a thousand aging rockets and missiles wrapped in plastic, some of which had been buried as recently as two weeks ago, Army officials said.

"This is the mother load, right here," Sgt. Jeremy Galusha, 25, of Dallas, Ore., said, leaning on a shovel after uncovering more than 20 Soviet missiles. [snip]
I would say doubtful - I think they would have found a factory where the WMD was produced and made a big deal out of the trace chemicals found - to show GW was right.

GW has already admitted the intel was wrong.. Let it go --

some of which had been buried as recently as two weeks ago

You don't need a factory to make chemical or biological weapon components. You could do it in a trailer.
Joeychgo said:
OK, so where are the trailers?

Intel will say that they're in the next country Bush & Co. decide to attack. Then at a future date, newer intel will come out showing that the original intel was incorrect.

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