Hum...or...whine...or what? And why?


Active LVC Member
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
What up peeps, sorry about all the q's:confused: but I'm still learning (and liking) this car. I've noticed a new and unnerving hum coming from the engine/tranny area (haven't isolated it yet). Sort of a mid pitch whiny hummmm consistent with engine speed. It's there in all gears incl. P & N. Thought it might be the tensioner pulley (bearing on the outs), changed it, still humming. This is not the brake pump, not radio noise, so what?:confused: Power steering pump?:confused: Is this an AOD symptom?:confused: Anyone have a similar issue?:confused: Thanks.
Power steering pump

My '85 GT makes that signature Ford PS pump whine as did my '82. This is something different. It's also a new development (wasn't always there) but who knows, I've never had one go bad on me. Maybe this is how it starts.

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